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Number of posts : 102
Age : 47
Registration date : 2008-01-07

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 1:40 am

Wow. I had thought that we were keeping this forum closed to all but the former mods and most experienced Discogs users until we had more of a solid plan established.

And yet, the site was leaked on Discogs and now we're opening the floodgates?

There are a ton of newbies swarming in, many new users are NOT using their Discogs usernames as requested, and I've seen a couple of renowned websubbers in the members list?

I'm not meaning to be an elitist - if we consensually wish to open the gates to everyone so be it - but how can we expect to build a proper, community-oriented Discogs replacement if we can't even control our forums properly with regard to the rules/standards we ourselves set down?
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Number of posts : 235
Registration date : 2008-01-19

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 1:45 am

Kergillian wrote:
There are a ton of newbies swarming in, many new users are NOT using their Discogs usernames as requested, and I've seen a couple of renowned websubbers in the members list?

I'm not meaning to be an elitist - if we consensually wish to open the gates to everyone so be it - but how can we expect to build a proper, community-oriented Discogs replacement if we can't even control our forums properly with regard to the rules/standards we ourselves set down?
Well said, sir.

dmaxx, Mr. admin? 'tis time to do some cullin'!
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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 979
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-03-18

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 1:52 am

Prior to the "leaking" of the site name (was there an actual URL posted?) there were ~270 users registered. Now: 287. I think all who apply must be cleared to join, but I could be wrong. As for mods-only - that was never the stated intention. Sure, mods have more experience with Discogs, but there are many other cataloging and database systems out there, so to base a new site from experiences gleaned only from Discogs would be limited.

Also, mods could be considered "tainted" by the notion of how moderation could take place. New ideas might come more readily from non-mods.

Anyhow, no one who is a member here is really privy to super-secret information or methods to cheat any system. We're just brainstorming now.
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Number of posts : 165
Registration date : 2008-01-10

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 2:09 am

I think we are fine, especially with the steering committee proposal set to pass when the poll closes.

The way I see it is the more the merrier from that point on. The whole crux this thing is for the people by the people.

Or at least that is kinda my perspective.
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Number of posts : 230
Registration date : 2008-03-13

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 2:10 am

I've already confessed to being the one to leak the name of DiscographyDB on Discogs today.

I didn't post a URL but I have seen one posted there previously.

Again I am sorry for any problems I may have caused. Embarassed
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Number of posts : 84
Age : 49
Registration date : 2008-03-20

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 2:50 am

tony.lee wrote:
Again I am sorry for any problems I may have caused. Embarassed

Hey 17 more people joined, I agree with Kergillian's post but I wouldn't loose any sleep over it tony. Don't worry man Very Happy
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Number of posts : 291
Registration date : 2008-02-22

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 2:53 am

I can understand Kergillians concern. However there was a period where some doubt was surrounding this new site and it was due to the fact that not enough techically skilled people were available. Keeping membership down to only experienced Discogs users would only hamper the project to the point where it can't continue.
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 37
Registration date : 2008-03-25

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 4:05 am

I'm glad someone leaked the url, otherwise I probably wouldn't have found out about this.
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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 908
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-01-07

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 4:10 am

Kergillian wrote:
Wow. I had thought that we were keeping this forum closed to all but the former mods and most experienced Discogs users until we had more of a solid plan established.

And yet, the site was leaked on Discogs and now we're opening the floodgates?

There are a ton of newbies swarming in, many new users are NOT using their Discogs usernames as requested, and I've seen a couple of renowned websubbers in the members list?

I'm not meaning to be an elitist - if we consensually wish to open the gates to everyone so be it - but how can we expect to build a proper, community-oriented Discogs replacement if we can't even control our forums properly with regard to the rules/standards we ourselves set down?
I think the Steering Committee is the ideal solution. Big support base + experienced managment = winning combination.
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Number of posts : 102
Age : 47
Registration date : 2008-01-07

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 8:43 am

deejsasqui wrote:
As for mods-only - that was never the stated intention.

I never said 'mods-only'. I said 'mods and the more experienced Oggers'. As in: the people most familiar with the db and those least likely to do it harm.

Again: I have no specific problems with opening the floodgates - but I do think we should make an effort to keep the websubbers out. They're the ones I'm most concerned about, and IMO should not be welcomed.

That aside, I've put my own name up for the steering committee. I think it's a good idea and I need to get off of my outspoken ass and contribute to this a little more Smile
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Number of posts : 342
Registration date : 2008-01-13

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 9:35 am

Quote :
I think the Steering Committee is the ideal solution. Big support base + experienced managment = winning combination.

Yep, I'm actually excited by the prospects of this site and feel that something rather special is happening. Bring on the community I say but it simply has to be shepherded in the right way. I was rather despondent that this was dying a couple of weeks back but the sheer and utter incompetence and ineptitude of Nik and Teo has given it a major boost. For all intents and purposes the spirit that was discogs lives herein. If someone is willing to contribute in a positive way...you are welcome.
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Number of posts : 165
Registration date : 2008-01-10

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 10:11 am

asylum27 wrote:

Yep, I'm actually excited by the prospects of this site and feel that something rather special is happening. Bring on the community I say but it simply has to be shepherded in the right way. I was rather despondent that this was dying a couple of weeks back but the sheer and utter incompetence and ineptitude of Nik and Teo has given it a major boost. For all intents and purposes the spirit that was discogs lives herein. If someone is willing to contribute in a positive way...you are welcome.

bounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bounce bounce
bounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bounce bounce
bounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bounce bounce
bounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bounce bounce
bounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bouncecheers cheersbounce bounce bounce
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Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 5:34 pm

I think it's great that this was leaked out, I found out about this place through the Discogs forum. There is strength in numbers and if this is really going to take off then it's best to get people over while there is still tension and mixed emotions at discogs, as opposed to waiting until everyone has adjusted to the unfortunate update that is V4 because no alternatives were available at the time.
I received a record the other day and I usually would have gone to Discogs to add it right away, but I somehow didn't feel like it this time, in fact, the first thought that entered my head was about adding it to this new database once it's up & running...and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had those feelings, it's the time when people are thinking like that when you need to get their support.
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Number of posts : 230
Registration date : 2008-03-13

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2008 6:31 pm

Seems like I should almost be happy for letting the name slip on D....gs.
Maybe I should put my name down to be a committee member. Laughing

Seriously though, I'm feeling much more positive in the last week or so.I only signed up a few weeks back after being invited here and I see a change in the forums that is very comforting.Seems like things are on the roll.

I'm almost a new beginner when it comes to the computer side of things but not when it comes to records.I see that as the time when I will be contributing and being of most help, given the chance.
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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2008-02-09

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeSat Mar 29, 2008 4:41 pm

What ever it takes to move forward and begin the new DB is worth it. I dont see anything which could make me more disappointed and put-off than v4 and the disrespect given towards the individules who actually helped build the site. I am looking proudly to the start of a new DB and adding my collection. The more like minded members we have here the better.
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Number of posts : 108
Registration date : 2008-04-04

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeTue Apr 08, 2008 2:47 pm

if it wasn't posted on disocgs help forums, i wouldn't have found it
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Number of posts : 230
Registration date : 2008-03-13

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeTue Apr 08, 2008 5:06 pm

It was a whlie ago that I (I was not alone) mentioned this site on Discogs and caused this thread to start.
I feel there was a slight panic at the time and I even felt guilty.
Still here we are a good few weeks later and the site has been growing at a very healthy rate and seems to have attracted like minded people.
So no harm done after all, it seems.
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Number of posts : 84
Age : 49
Registration date : 2008-03-20

Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitimeWed Apr 09, 2008 2:12 am

tony.lee wrote:
I feel there was a slight panic at the time and I even felt guilty.

See how we're developing already Tony? Very Happy And all in all I think it's good there's a buzz going about this and that the ex-oggers (or even current oggers) know about this. Discogs can do there thing and we'll do ours, those who want to jump on board are welcome and at least they now have the information to make an informed decision! Good work that man! cheers
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Disappointed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disappointed   Disappointed Icon_minitime

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