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 4-13-08 Agenda: Very Rouch Draft of Document In Progress

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4 posters

Number of posts : 165
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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PostSubject: 4-13-08 Agenda: Very Rouch Draft of Document In Progress   4-13-08 Agenda: Very Rouch Draft of Document In Progress Icon_minitimeSun Apr 13, 2008 6:45 pm

Below in blue are loosley structured undeveloped raw thoughts.

These basic ideas, or in some cases questions, are in the processs of being refined by the SC into draft ideas and phrasing, in red.

As you read this document we ask that you please keep in mind it is a work in progress, as is the content of this thread

Please pardon our dust.


1 1. We define what DDB is and what it is not

a) Is it a music database, allowing research into releases, labels, artists,
writers, personnel, labels, companies ?

SC agreed and added: personnel involved in the recording, production, or performance

b) It is not social site nor a blog. All users are welcome, and we will have some form of "social contract"

SC agreed and added: It should be a free site. However, in order to cover the nessacry operating expenes minimal fees may be charged to those that are active regular users of the site.

c) However, users may tag releases or artists in their collections with free text and have the ablity to customize their user profiles/collections to accomidate their more specific needs.

SC agreed and added: Tags would include personal comments on collection items seen only by the user himself. These would be displayed or accessed though differant user profile settings.

Example: My copy of item XXX has a split spine and is in worn condition

d) No one person will "own" the site. It will be run as an organization of like-minded individuals, music fans.

SC agreed but tabled this item to wait for further input from a legal perspective


2. Define what sort of data, based on physical (and possibly digital) releases we want to capture.

a) What information do we want to exract that makes it interesting to the
casual visitor and the dedicated user

SC summerized both issues into one statement.

DDB will catalog items where Audio is the main focus of the release or submission entity, or of equal importance to any visual accompaniment; ie: music video or live performance.

Further, promotional materials to support such releasesare also welcome. Given, they too are an audio entity in nature

In addition, we aim to collect the data of supporting companies whom are also involved in such audio releases; ie: recording studios, manufacturing plants, distributors, grahic designers, photographiers ect ect.

We believe it our responsibility to provide for and allow users of the site to capture as much data and detail per release/submission as the users themselves would choose to include.

Stopped Here

3. We define those fields: What is a label exactly? Where will I find this on my release? What if there are two labels, and one is a distributor? What is an artist? Why are there such funny cat#s? Why is mine a promo, the other has a barcode. What is a track? What is a role, like a producer or an engineer? Why would I want to add this
information if it's not mandatory? What is an ANV, or a CNV
Why can I add
additional free-text info to tracks but is not visible immediately

4. Now that I've submitted and filled out a release form, what happens next Someone
moderates it. Someone checks you'vve made no mistakes (built-in checks are
needed though
People can submit releases and correct information, adding more later

5. How will artist, label, release etc pages look. What happens if I click on this hyperlink? How is the data presented? How can I hop from one link or page to another

6. I've already submitted my stuff on ogs. Why re-do it here We provide a temporary
import facility. For selected members (or all?), pressing the "submit" button means

it's automatically in the db -- this is a temporary gesture only! It requires you to watch your discogs collection

a) After this stage, nonsense counter values like artist(6) can will get amalgamated into numerical values

b) some thought required here... do the stay artist (6) or become some ID? More needed

7. All future changes must be moderated, no more importing

8. Later developments: partnering with other sites, maybe even shops? Maybe our own marketplace

"hmhv : It's crude, it's rough, it's riddeld with typos"

Last edited by pusha on Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:14 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : improved wording)
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Number of posts : 235
Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: 4-13-08 Agenda: Very Rouch Draft of Document In Progress   4-13-08 Agenda: Very Rouch Draft of Document In Progress Icon_minitimeMon Apr 14, 2008 8:35 pm

Guys, where it says Stopped Here is where this part stops for now, please.

We need to word our mission statement properly, flesh it out (even if it means comparing other sites) and agree on it. All eleven of us. Once that's done, let the rest of the crowd see what it is we'd like to provide ("we" being us PLUS everyone else here).

If they're happy, then we know what the next step is: Defining the steering committee, its purpose and powers.

As for the step thereafter, lazlo took a good lead with his Linda Ronstadt CD that needs to be taken further that we can use to define the data that can be pulled off a "release" and what we're going to call it and where it goes (the "company/label/release/artist/track/writer chain" + its branches). The rest, ladies, will follow quite naturally, and that includes some task forces branching off.

If we pull our fingers out of our arses, we'll have a beta site running in less than four months.
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Number of posts : 165
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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PostSubject: Re: 4-13-08 Agenda: Very Rouch Draft of Document In Progress   4-13-08 Agenda: Very Rouch Draft of Document In Progress Icon_minitimeMon Apr 14, 2008 9:27 pm

While I agree the above is not nearly as presentable as any of us would like. It does help keep those that miss(ed) the SC chat up to speed.

It also lets the community know we are trying to hash some stuff out and not just behind closed doors either. Additionally, they can comment, question, and shape what the draft mission statement might include.

It's ugly, but has its purpose. As time allows I am doing my best to improve its legibility.

All said with do respect Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: 4-13-08 Agenda: Very Rouch Draft of Document In Progress   4-13-08 Agenda: Very Rouch Draft of Document In Progress Icon_minitimeThu Apr 17, 2008 2:00 am

Thanks to both of you for compiling all this. I've made a summary of this stuff on the wiki, for the record.
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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 908
Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: 4-13-08 Agenda: Very Rouch Draft of Document In Progress   4-13-08 Agenda: Very Rouch Draft of Document In Progress Icon_minitimeSat Apr 26, 2008 8:23 pm

Something important to be added:

Every release, regardless of its content, is allowed in the database for purposes of information, education and documentation.


DDB will catalog items where Audio is the main focus of the release or submission entity, or of equal importance to any visual accompaniment; ie: music video or live performance. Every release, regardless of its content, is allowed in the database for purposes of information, education and documentation.

Further, promotional materials to support such releasesare also welcome. Given, they too are an audio entity in nature

In addition, we aim to collect the data of supporting companies whom are also involved in such audio releases; ie: recording studios, manufacturing plants, distributors, grahic designers, photographiers ect ect.

We believe it our responsibility to provide for and allow users of the site to capture as much data and detail per release/submission as the users themselves would choose to include.
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