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 SC moved topics.

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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 908
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-01-07

SC moved topics. Empty
PostSubject: SC moved topics.   SC moved topics. Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 7:43 pm

Five topics have been preserved from the now locked and archived SC section. They have all been moved to 11. Other because they couldn't really be classified in any other category.

- Mission Statement
- More mission statement thoughts...

- [ Poll ] What are your thoughts on DDB?
- 0. Philosophy and Purpose
- Scope.

A link can now be found on the original places of these moved topics, so the topic order in the SC will remain as it was they day it closed. If you think other topics should be re-opened, don't hesitate to contact me. It can still be done.
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