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 List of polls at the entire forum.

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3 posters
Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 908
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-01-07

List of polls at the entire forum. Empty
PostSubject: List of polls at the entire forum.   List of polls at the entire forum. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 21, 2008 8:42 pm

List of polls at the entire forum, divided by subforum. Dates based upon CET+1.
The five most recent dates are shown in red.
Last update: 2009-01-10.
Total polls: 43 (of which 6 ended)

- 2008-01-12: Add moderators to the forum?
- 2008-03-22: Keep avatars enabled?

1. Our skills

2. Name, domain, hosting
- 2008-02-13: Accept DiscographyDB.xxx as name?
- 2008-02-16: DiscFound (Discography Foundation) as the name?

3. Ownership, decision-making, hierarchy, legal status
- 2008-04-04: How should we finalize agreements?

4. Finance: income, sponsorship, marketplace
- 2008-03-24: Should the new site be non-profit or profit?

5. Technical: database format and structure
- 2008-02-18: Can you code the new site?
- 2008-12-23: New setup to replace artist/alias/ANV

6. Submission process, who can submit, sub limits, needed votes
- 2008-02-13: What voting system do we want?
- 2008-06-28: Work with a closed submitter group?
- 2008-08-01: Allow moderators to edit subs?
- 2008-08-05: What (if anything) should require a rank?

7. Release submission form

8. Submission guidelines, allowed data
- 2008-02-09: Should digital releases be allowed?
- 2008-02-17: Which credits can be added?
- 2008-02-23: Allow user comments?
- 2008-04-01: Should we allow illegal / bootleg material?
- 2008-04-01: Make images mandatory?
- 2008-04-03: Can you provide images with your submissions?
- 2008-05-16: How many labels for Illegal Releases?
- 2008-05-29: Anti-releases, art pieces, and other things - yes or no?
- 2008-07-12: ANV: Do you want to make a distinction....
- 2008-07-17: Allow audio samples?
- 2008-07-18: Level of Submission Detail
- 2008-08-05: Should we allow "important rarities"?

9. Display options, page modelling
- 2008-07-12: How to display artist names.
- 2008-07-13: What URL form do you want for DdB?
- 2008-07-24: Artwork and sleeve design credits linked or unlinked?
- 2008-08-19: Unknown / Generic names: Linked or not?
- 2008-08-20: Separate page for release series?
- 2008-12-28: Final artist page display poll
- 2008-12-28: Single or multiple occurences of a release on an artist page?
- 2008-12-30: Display new submissions and edited ones on artist/label page

10. Search function

11. Other
- 2008-02-20: Which of the following options could you accept for the new database ?
- 2008-02-20: Should we use Discogs basic's and add new features to it, or should we start all over again
- 2008-06-24: Personal interaction with DDB forums

- 2008-01-11: How much do you moderate?
- 2008-01-15: Are you for or against the real name alias rule?


- 2008-03-25 - 2008-03-27: Steering Committee proposal
- 2008-03-31 - 2008-04-05: Select steering committee member(s)
- 2008-03-28 - 2008-04-11: Accept DiscographyDB.xxx as name? (second round)
- 2008-04-26 - 2008-04-30: New forum structure?
- 2008-06-23 - 2008-07-05: Should we end the Steering Committee or not?
- 2009-01-10 - 2009-01-24: Give corne_mo and deejsasqui admin rights?

Last edited by dmaxx on Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:56 pm; edited 44 times in total
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Number of posts : 90
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-02-08

List of polls at the entire forum. Empty
PostSubject: Re: List of polls at the entire forum.   List of polls at the entire forum. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 21, 2008 11:26 pm

is there a way of having this pinned at the top of each subforum?
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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 908
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-01-07

List of polls at the entire forum. Empty
PostSubject: Re: List of polls at the entire forum.   List of polls at the entire forum. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2008 12:51 am

keir wrote:
is there a way of having this pinned at the top of each subforum?
keir, afaik this is not possible.
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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 757
Age : 45
Registration date : 2008-03-18

List of polls at the entire forum. Empty
PostSubject: Re: List of polls at the entire forum.   List of polls at the entire forum. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2008 9:53 pm

dmaxx, please add this one too.
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List of polls at the entire forum. Empty
PostSubject: Re: List of polls at the entire forum.   List of polls at the entire forum. Icon_minitime

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