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 DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06

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Admin, Manager

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DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06 Empty
PostSubject: DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06   DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 09, 2008 2:39 am

DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06

In this newsletter:
- Replacement SC by Managers
- Introduction of the tasklist
- Forum changes
- List of changes
- Release page layout
- Launch of DDB v0

As you already may have noticed, a lot of things changed at 5/7. This newsletter will provide an overview of those changes, the reasons why they've been implemented and what we can expect from them. Information about two major steps forward in this project are included as well.

Replacement SC by Managers
It was becomming clear that the SC, and especially SSCs, didn't make as much progess as originally presumed. One of the reasons may have been the absence of a big part of the group due to professional or other obligations. Another reason could have been that the creation of the SSCs gave the impression that the workload was transferred from the entire community to a selected group, which resulted in the absence of many members.

It became obvious that something had to change to keep this project alive, and with the nearing end of the first SC term discussions for a new structure arose. It was mainly in the 7th [1] and 8th [2] SC chatsession (which, despite the name, was open for everyone to participate) where a new structure was agreed upon.

From now there's no longer an SC and the SSCs which were part of it. Instead there will be three managers (corne_mo, deejsasqui and dmaxx) who will keep the overview over the entire project. The number of managers hasn't been randomly chosen:
- keeping an overview doesn't require many people
- three remains unequal in case small (structural) decisions have to be taken
- it will be less hard to gather everyone for meetings
It's important to keep in mind that the managers only task is to guide the processes needed for DDB. All decisions will be made be the community through the forums.

[1] https://discogs.actieforum.com/main-f18/sc-chatsession-7-2008-06-21-t283.htm
[2] https://discogs.actieforum.com/main-f18/sc-chatsession-8-2008-06-22-t286.htm

Introduction of the tasklist
Having three managers only won't bring us very far. We need people who are willing to spend their precious time into working out guidelines, making designs and creating the actual database. With the failure of the SSCs we have learned that small groups can't handle the workload, so from now on we will try to ask the entire community to participate.

To reach the people who are both interested and available, and to avoid the same work being done multiple times, a tasklist [3] was created. On that list the tasks in progress and expected future tasks are being gathered, so everyone will have a nice overview of how things are going. Only the managers are able to edit this list.

Signing up for a task with one or multiple persons, can easily be done using the Task Apply Form [4].

[3] https://discogs.actieforum.com/news-f22/task-list-t297.htm
[4] https://discogs.actieforum.com/public-f21/task-apply-form-t298.htm

Forum changes
The changes mentioned above couldn't be completed without some big forum changes. With the removal of the SC and the creation of Managers, the SC subforums have been locked+archived while subforums have been made. The most important topics from the SC section have been moved to other fitting locations.

The new section is called 'Development Zone', and is ment to be permanent. The name says exactly what it's made for: a place to keep track of all developments in progress. The first subforum in the Development Zone is a Newsplace (a central overview of what's going on) in which only the managers are able to post. The second subforum, 'Public', acts as a place to discuss both ongoing and future tasks.

List of changes
Here is a total list of changes done at 5/7:
- 'Steering Committee' section locked and archived (can be found in the new subforum 'Archive')
- 'Development Zone' section created (subforums: 'News', 'Public')
- All SC members lost their status + moderating rights in chat
- Managers received a new status + moderating rights in chat
- Creation of a task list + apply form

Release page layout
On the 28th of June, Masakari made a layout proposal [5] for the release pages. It gives us a preview of how DDB might look like in future, and it's nothing short of amazing. Be sure to see it yourself, and feel free to share your opinion with us.

A first test setup (in forum colors) has been made by corne_mo [6].

[5] https://discogs.actieforum.com/public-f21/task-release-page-layout-t295.htm
[6] http://home.planet.nl/~moerb104/DdB/

Launch of DDB v0
On the day before the big changes, the 4th of July, a first basic db structure [7] was created by Schnekl. It's very well documented in both human language and code, so be sure to check it out. There are also plans to launch a very basic test-db, don't miss it!

[7] https://discogs.actieforum.com/public-f21/database-v-0-ready-t305.htm

I think everything that needs to be said has been said, and I hope everyone will agree with the changes made. In case you have questions, always feel free to ask them in the appropriate subforums.

Have a great day and don't forget to visit us from time to time (if you al ready didn't, of course).

The Managers.

Last edited by dmaxx on Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Admin, Manager

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DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06 Empty
PostSubject: Re: DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06   DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 09, 2008 4:15 am

Fantastic, dmaxx! Thanks!

There are just a few things I'd suggest editing.
1- spell out what the SC and SSC means, just in case people have forgotten
2a- mention that we 3 moderators volunteered in the chat sessions, and hold no real deciding power. Those who were present during the chat sessions () supported the volunteers as managers.
2b- there was a vote on the future of the Steering Committee, and 72% (18 votes) were for ending the SC and starting with the smaller manager team >> https://discogs.actieforum.com/public-f19/should-we-end-the-steering-committee-or-not-t289.htm
3- None of the layouts and settings are currently set in stone. Please propose alternatives, so we can improve the end product.
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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 908
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-01-07

DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06 Empty
PostSubject: Re: DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06   DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 10, 2008 3:30 am

deejsasqui, thanks for your feedback. Although this is the final -uneditable- version, I will reply to each point.

deejsasqui wrote:
1- spell out what the SC and SSC means, just in case people have forgotten
I assumed everybody still remembered, but I agree that it may have been better to remind people of what SC/SCCs are (were).

deejsasqui wrote:
2a- mention that we 3 moderators volunteered in the chat sessions, and hold no real deciding power. Those who were present during the chat sessions () supported the volunteers as managers.
You are right about the volunteer part. The decision part, however, is included: "It's important to keep in mind that the managers only task is to guide the processes needed for DDB. All decisions will be made be the community through the forums."

deejsasqui wrote:
2b- there was a vote on the future of the Steering Committee, and 72% (18 votes) were for ending the SC and starting with the smaller manager team >> https://discogs.actieforum.com/public-f19/should-we-end-the-steering-committee-or-not-t289.htm
Good point, I started the first newsletter draft not long after the poll was launched and forgot to include it afterwards.

deejsasqui wrote:
3- None of the layouts and settings are currently set in stone. Please propose alternatives, so we can improve the end product.
I think everyone realises that nothing at this stage is permanent.
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PostSubject: Re: DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06   DDB Newsletter 2: 2008-06 Icon_minitime

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