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 SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20

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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 908
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SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20 Empty
PostSubject: SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20   SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 9:22 pm

Times are CET+1

[17:45:33] fleshmeatdoll : are you aware of hitprade.ch ?
[17:45:44] fleshmeatdoll : sorry hitparade.ch
[17:46:02] @ Kergillian : whazzat?
[17:46:15] fleshmeatdoll : in the german moderator forum
[17:46:36] fleshmeatdoll : rassel is lobbying hard for everyone to switch over there
[17:46:47] @ Kergillian : It looks like a German magazine's website, no?
[17:46:53] @ asylum27 : vaguely..I used to have to correct errors from it's data when used at Discogs
[17:47:08] fleshmeatdoll : it used to be a website to record hitparade entries
[17:47:12] Schneckl has been disconnected the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 17:47 (session timeout)
[17:47:27] fleshmeatdoll : now they are switching to record every piece of music
[17:47:38] @ Kergillian : that doesn't help - very narrow, IMO, for a discography site
[17:47:43] @ Kergillian : oh?
[17:48:01] fleshmeatdoll : i am telling you this mainly because
[17:48:13] @ Kergillian : through what definition? and what's their moderation criteria? And detail criteria?
[17:48:36] @ Kergillian : because it might be interesting to consider at least a partnership
[17:48:39] fleshmeatdoll : people seem to be wanting to start something based on something
[17:48:57] fleshmeatdoll : rather than from scratch
[17:49:38] fleshmeatdoll : i personally have a problem with hitparade because it is again run by a single person
[17:49:41] @ asylum27 : I'm keener to start afresh...even if we import a bit of data. Hitparade.ch has a terribel interface too
[17:49:59] fleshmeatdoll : though there seems to be a core group of editors.
[17:50:17] @ Kergillian : very basic, IMO
[17:50:27] @ Kergillian : barebones info
[17:50:33] Schneckl has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 17:50
[17:50:39] @ Kergillian : and hard to get to the actual db
[17:50:49] fleshmeatdoll : that person, however appears to be open to welcome all former moderators and improve the site to match discogs.
[17:50:53] @ Kergillian : not the greatest search engine either
[17:51:06] @ asylum27 : To my mind I want something rather radically new.
[17:51:57] fleshmeatdoll : i somehow agree with stormbbringer that there needs to be something different than discogs
[17:53:04] fleshmeatdoll : btw. on hitparade there is a dropdown menu to the top right "weitere laender" choose your country
[17:55:02] @ asylum27 : To my mind Discogs is a starting point only, its a place to draw a line from
[17:55:41] fleshmeatdoll : did someone suggest to make this a place for information nerds only?
[17:56:02] fleshmeatdoll : in the sense that only complete submissions will be accepted
[17:56:41] @ asylum27 : Yes, but it was shot down
[17:57:16] fleshmeatdoll : this could be a point that elevates the site above discogs, no?
[17:57:34] @ Kergillian : I don't think we need to be 100% completist in terms of what we accept
[17:57:44] @ Kergillian : But I do think we need to accept those who want to be 100% completist
[17:57:45] @ asylum27 : Just checked one release of mine on hitparade.ch..wrong label, wrong release date, wrong track listing
[17:58:01] @ Kergillian : I don't want to bother with a site that only accepts bare-bones subs
[17:58:23] @ asylum27 : agreed 100%
[17:58:29] fleshmeatdoll : so why dont we need 100 percent?
[17:58:38] @ Kergillian : but I will happily be involved with a site that DOES accept bare-bones subs (depending on how bare-bones) so long as I can sub completist subs myself
[17:59:00] fleshmeatdoll : isnt that called discogs?
[17:59:02] @ Kergillian : I personally would be happy with 100% completist subs only
[17:59:10] @ Kergillian : but that's narrow and unrealistict
[17:59:17] @ Kergillian : unrealistic
[17:59:38] @ Kergillian : The sub levels on Discogs weren't to problematic for me overall
[17:59:58] @ Kergillian : There were certain things I thought should be mandatory that weren't
[18:00:20] @ Kergillian : but overall I had no problem with allowing bare-bones subs that could be improved later
[18:00:28] @ Kergillian : And I was happy to improve on those I could
[18:01:31] fleshmeatdoll : i just dont get what will be the difference to discogs. i mean those missing features will eventually find their way to discogs especially after a new staff programmer is on the way.
[18:02:01] @ Kergillian : what missing features?
[18:02:10] @ Kergillian : moderation? sub limits?
[18:02:15] @ Kergillian : I don't think so
[18:02:35] @ Kergillian : but do you honestly want a site that forces all users to sub like this? http://www.discogs.com/release/1064266
[18:02:50] @ Kergillian : it took me like 3 days to complete those notes. I wouldn't force that on anyone.
[18:02:56] @ asylum27 : It's not about missing features, its about an accurate databse for me and that will never return to discogs
[18:03:01] pusha has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:03
[18:03:06] Schneckl : I think the site should be a resource for just anyone, elitist only in terms of accurracy
[18:03:09] @ pusha : good morning
[18:03:10] @ asylum27 : Hiya
[18:03:23] fleshmeatdoll : how about a music enthusiast
[18:03:34] fleshmeatdoll : wouldnt he transcribe the info?
[18:03:43] @ Kergillian : of course
[18:03:44] @ Kergillian : as I did
[18:03:47] Schneckl : cross-linking is essential
[18:03:47] @ asylum27 : well said Schneckkl..thats the core of it
[18:03:51] @ Kergillian : but there are many who wouldn't
[18:04:12] @ Kergillian : accuracy is the most important thing
[18:04:25] @ Kergillian : safeguards to PREVENT database corruption instead of RESPONDING to it
[18:04:47] @ Kergillian : And rules set in as much stone as possible rather than endless bickering
[18:04:48] hmvh has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:04
[18:04:50] @ asylum27 : Most folks out there simply use discogs as a source of accurate data..nothing else.
[18:04:55] fleshmeatdoll : well we better start soon Wink
[18:05:00] @ hmvh : Hello everybody...
[18:05:11] @ Kergillian : heya
[18:05:19] @ asylum27 : we have a quorum!
[18:05:28] @ Kergillian : we all prided ourselves on being the most accurate and reliable db out there
[18:05:31] @ pusha : ello H
[18:05:46] @ Kergillian : I couldn't give a shit about the interface and how different or similar it is to Discogs
[18:05:51] fleshmeatdoll : oh my the sc takes over
[18:05:57] @ Kergillian : as long as it's the most accurate and reliable db out there
[18:06:04] @ Kergillian : and is properly cross-referenced
[18:06:35] Schneckl : ..it should be fun to browse (and learn)
[18:06:48] @ Kergillian : agreed
[18:06:52] Schneckl : ...so, as much data as possible
[18:07:03] @ asylum27 : Lets not worry what discogs was and lets move on. we've spent pages here and in the forums there talking about it. To work...
[18:07:47] @ Kergillian : I have maybe 20 minutes left that I can spare
[18:08:01] @ asylum27 : Pusha your mini groups idea was sound and we need to look at those ASAP
[18:08:07] @ Kergillian : ^^Agreed
[18:08:13] @ Kergillian : we were talking about it earlier
[18:08:34] @ pusha : yes, I think it would be helpful
[18:09:01] @ Kergillian : If anything, it would allow us to schedule chat-meetings more easily
[18:09:06] @ pusha : I spoke with Hmvh earlier in the week and it seemed like for this morning
[18:09:25] @ pusha : or evening as it were, we should try and refine
[18:09:44] @ asylum27 : A coding group is neede pronto so we have something to look at and move on. ultra_ambient is up for it
[18:09:50] @ pusha : the two or three paragraphs or so of the mission statement
[18:10:09] quisquilia has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:10
[18:10:15] @ pusha : I don't know if that agrees with everyone though
[18:10:25] @ hmvh : Hello Q. PS: is someone taking notes?
[18:10:25] @ quisquilia : sorry for being late
[18:11:00] @ quisquilia : had to fight with a clueless noob over there at the other site
[18:11:06] @ asylum27 : well there is a spelling mistake on it Very Happy
[18:11:21] @ asylum27 : what other site??
[18:11:23] @ Kergillian : Do we want to look at the mission statement first?
[18:11:23] @ pusha : or there is a lot wrong with it
[18:11:28] @ pusha : oh*****
[18:11:45] @ Kergillian : 1) we don't want to sever the community that created us
[18:11:50] @ asylum27 : It works pretty well for me
[18:11:56] @ Kergillian : (well we do, but what I mean is it's not grammatically correct)
[18:12:01] @ pusha : if we finish that to a point were we feel comfortable with it, we can probabley move on to some groups
[18:12:04] @ Kergillian : we want to SEVER OURSELVES from that community;)
[18:12:28] @ pusha : Hmvh, thoughts ?
[18:12:31] @ Kergillian : decision making >>> decision-making
[18:12:46] @ Kergillian : and we don't want a process by simple majority
[18:12:55] @ Kergillian : we want a process that USES simple majority
[18:12:58] @ hmvh : Just finished reading the previous waffle.
[18:12:59] fleshmeatdoll : got to go to sleep, counting on all your efforts. go go go!
[18:13:14] @ pusha : tc flesh
[18:13:18] @ Kergillian : each others >>> each others'
[18:13:24] fleshmeatdoll is Disconnected on Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:13
[18:13:26] @ pusha : ah good point Kerg
[18:13:28] @ Kergillian : sorry - each other's
[18:13:48] @ hmvh : OK. What are we doing here and now?
[18:14:04] @ Kergillian : I'm going through the mission statement
[18:14:08] @ pusha : we could refine the waffle, the first parts
[18:14:10] dmaxx has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:14
[18:14:14] @ Kergillian : best to get that corrected and hammered out first
[18:14:18] @ dmaxx : Good afternoon / evening to all
[18:14:24] @ asylum27 : Are you an English teacher Kerg? I always miss that stuff. Can we agree the gist of it is good though?
[18:14:33] @ pusha : then if lucky we can look at some subcomittees
[18:14:37] @ asylum27 : Evening
[18:14:43] @ dmaxx : Any thing being discussed yet?
[18:14:46] @ Kergillian : yes I am and yes it is
[18:14:56] @ Kergillian : agreed
[18:15:03] @ pusha : <---- is always embarressed that most euros write better english then I
[18:15:06] @ hmvh : Let's get on with the show:
[18:15:09] @ pusha : Evening D !
[18:15:15] @ Kergillian : as well - we're only supposed to disband ourselves if we fail to get things started, no?
// Some sentences missing here, sorry //
[18:16:11] @ Kergillian : I do think we should sever ourselves
[18:16:24] @ Kergillian : I do thnk we need to cut the cord and the grieving process
[18:16:28] @ pusha : looks like you guys are reading the one I wrote, I was thinking to continue with the one the SC was forming
[18:16:31] @ Kergillian : It wasn't needed
[18:16:36] @ pusha : but I am happy to do either
[18:16:53] @ dmaxx : OK, good
[18:16:54] @ hmvh : Good point. Can we all open the same page?
[18:16:59] @ pusha : not much has happedned yet D
[18:17:04] @ dmaxx : Sure
[18:17:10] @ Kergillian : what page?
[18:17:22] @ hmvh : Ah, dmaxx is here. Are you transcribing, as it were?
[18:17:25] @ Kergillian : I was looking at https://discogs.actieforum.com/steering-committee-f18/sc-mission-statement-and-sub-groups-t205.htm
[18:17:29] @ dmaxx : https://discogs.actieforum.com/steering-committee-f18/4-13-08-agenda-very-rouch-draft-of-document-in-progress-t190.htm
[18:17:30] @ dmaxx : ?
[18:17:37] @ dmaxx : Oh, ok
[18:18:05] y-1 has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:18
[18:18:05] @ dmaxx : hmvh: I'll make sure nothing useful is lost
[18:18:36] @ hmvh : Thanks, D. OK guys, what are we talking about?
[18:18:40] @ Kergillian : I've been on for over an hour now and I have about 10 mins more
[18:18:47] @ dmaxx : Sub committees are OK for me
[18:18:54] @ Kergillian : I'd like to acually make some progress before I leave
[18:19:04] @ Kergillian : so let's a) get our mission statement finalized
[18:19:09] @ Kergillian : and then b) split subcomittees
[18:19:14] @ dmaxx : In 10 mins?
[18:19:24] @ Kergillian : yes
[18:19:27] @ Kergillian : it shouldn't take more
[18:19:28] @ hmvh : You have 10 minutes. What would you like to leave us with and what do you want out of this discussion, Kerg?
[18:19:35] @ dmaxx : Let's continue with the mission statement
[18:19:39] @ quisquilia : yep
[18:20:03] @ pusha : ok t205 ot t190 ?
[18:20:03] @ Kergillian : are we using Pusha's statement that I linked above or not?
[18:20:09] @ asylum27 : So apart from the gramatical things what else needs revising. I don't mind the severing line
[18:20:16] @ Kergillian : I say t205
[18:20:18] @ dmaxx : https://discogs.actieforum.com/steering-committee-f18/4-13-08-agenda-very-rouch-draft-of-document-in-progress-t190.htm
[18:20:23] @ dmaxx : Hm
[18:20:27] @ dmaxx : :p
[18:20:36] @ dmaxx : t205 is ok too
[18:20:40] @ hmvh : Fine. While Kerg is still here. let's go over t205.
[18:20:41] @ pusha : t205 could be refined fairly quickly
[18:20:46] @ pusha : lets do that one for now
[18:20:49] @ Kergillian : I don't see 190 as a mission statement
[18:20:54] @ dmaxx : Very well
[18:20:54] @ pusha : *nods*
[18:21:00] @ Kergillian : I see it as an outlook of the entire site
[18:21:08] y-1 is Disconnected on Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:21
[18:21:11] @ Kergillian : mission statement should be simple and straightforward
[18:21:24] @ dmaxx : Yes
[18:21:46] @ hmvh : Is this a mission statement for THIS very SC or the site as a whole?
[18:21:57] @ pusha : some mentioned somehting about the first line - "Severing the community that created us"
[18:21:58] @ Kergillian : for the SC
[18:22:03] @ dmaxx : SC
[18:22:14] @ asylum27 : SC
[18:22:22] @ pusha : SC
[18:22:33] @ quisquilia : don't rally understand what that first line is about
[18:22:47] @ dmaxx : Me neither
[18:22:59] @ dmaxx : What does it mean in detail?
[18:23:02] @ hmvh : "Severing the community that created us" not needed, sorry. We're independant although we have a common ancestor.
[18:23:03] @ pusha : the spirit of it is to acknowledge that we do our best to carry out the wishes of the community
[18:23:12] @ Kergillian : it's about removing ourselves from DIscogs and ensuring that we can cut th cord and be our own group
[18:23:22] @ pusha : meaning, we are not the final word on anything
[18:23:26] @ pusha : that was the intent
[18:23:28] @ dmaxx : Ok
[18:23:33] @ Kergillian : but perhaps we can rephrase it to something like:
[18:23:35] @ dmaxx : We can word it different
[18:23:42] @ quisquilia : we don't need an explicite ex negative definition of the new site IMO
[18:23:44] @ dmaxx : "We listen to the community"
[18:23:47] Schneckl has been disconnected the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:23 (session timeout)
[18:23:49] @ dmaxx : Or something like that
[18:23:51] @ hmvh : Can someone explain " Disbanding ourselves in 90 days unless asked to continue our work"?
[18:24:23] @ Kergillian : We believe in: being our own community and maintaining our own spirit and ideals as defined by that community?
[18:24:27] @ dmaxx : "We take the opinion of the general public into account"
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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 908
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-01-07

SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20   SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 9:25 pm

[18:24:28] @ hmvh : The SC (although I'd like a rotating membership of nominees) must at all times exist.
[18:24:41] @ pusha : I guess that was to acknowlege the time frame we have to work in
[18:24:44] @ quisquilia : sets a timeframe in which we (SC) need to come up with afeasible plan / start
[18:24:48] @ dmaxx : Yes
[18:24:57] @ pusha : again, trying to say we are not the final word or incarnation
[18:25:03] @ Kergillian : ok hold on
[18:25:08] @ Kergillian : hold on people
[18:25:11] @ dmaxx : After a period we can hold a poll: "Keep this SC?" Y/N Y = continue, N = elect new SC
[18:25:17] @ Kergillian : let's stick to one single discussion at a time
[18:25:25] @ pusha : Kerg I really like what you wrote above
[18:25:27] @ Kergillian : chaos will not create progress
[18:25:29] @ quisquilia : we do kerg
[18:25:30] @ hmvh : Kerg, you have the floor.
[18:25:34] @ Kergillian : thank you
[18:25:41] @ quisquilia : but we all talk at the same time
[18:25:43] @ Kergillian : line 1
[18:25:44] @ pusha : *nods&*
[18:25:48] Schneckl has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:25
[18:26:03] @ Kergillian : is my above line OK to replace the 'severing' line?
[18:26:15] @ Kergillian : are we agreed on that?
[18:26:18] @ dmaxx : What one is it?
[18:26:23] @ Kergillian : (barring any adjustments?)
[18:26:27] @ pusha : We believe in: being our own community and maintaining our own spirit and ideals as defined by that community?
[18:26:30] @ Kergillian : We believe in: being our own community and maintaining our own spirit and ideals as defined by that community?
[18:26:46] @ asylum27 : yep
[18:26:47] @ dmaxx : Good for me
[18:26:54] @ hmvh : Fine by me.
[18:26:54] @ quisquilia : is ok & general enough
[18:26:58] @ pusha : good
[18:27:00] @ Kergillian : IMO it gets the 'severance' message across but it inherently positive instead of negative
[18:27:04] @ quisquilia : can be defined in detail later
[18:27:06] @ Kergillian : kk
[18:27:15] @ Kergillian : any problems with Line 2 (barring minor typo)
[18:27:22] @ pusha : next
[18:27:40] @ Kergillian : (typo = that it should say that is USES simple majority)
[18:27:40] @ dmaxx : " A democratic and transparent decision making process by simple majority " ???
[18:27:41] @ hmvh : Y
[18:27:45] @ asylum27 : none
[18:27:51] @ quisquilia : I'm not sure about a concept of ONE simple majority
[18:27:52] @ dmaxx : Y
[18:27:52] @ hmvh : N = no problemo
[18:27:56] @ pusha : for the clarity the simple majority applied only the SC
[18:28:09] @ dmaxx : simple SC majority
[18:28:15] @ pusha : obviosly the vote on the forum was for a 2/3rds, site wide
[18:28:21] @ pusha : *nods*
[18:28:31] @ dmaxx : True
[18:28:33] @ Kergillian : OK how about this:
[18:28:38] @ dmaxx : Raise to 2/3 majority?
[18:28:47] @ pusha : to me it lessons the likelyhood endless debate
[18:28:56] @ quisquilia : I prefer a concept of TWO simple majority for the site
[18:28:59] @ pusha : with in the SC
[18:28:59] @ Kergillian : A steering committee that uses a democratic and transparent decision-making process through simple majority
[18:29:10] @ quisquilia : but for SC 2/3 is enough
[18:29:15] @ Kergillian : that clarifies that it's for the SC only
[18:29:34] @ dmaxx : good good
[18:29:44] @ pusha : me likes
[18:29:56] @ pusha : Hmvh - your kinda quiet over there
[18:30:01] @ pusha : no input ?
[18:30:03] @ hmvh : That's good, Kerg ... perhaps add "via regular meetings and discussions."
[18:30:24] @ Kergillian : ok - let's add a new line then:
[18:30:29] @ pusha : I knew he would have someting Wink
[18:30:32] @ Kergillian : we believe in holding regular meetings and discussion
[18:30:56] @ pusha : I'm fine with that
[18:31:04] @ dmaxx : Agreed
[18:31:13] @ Kergillian : discussions
[18:31:15] @ hmvh : OK
[18:31:16] @ asylum27 : it works for me
[18:31:28] @ pusha : sweet
[18:31:34] @ Kergillian : ok next line
[18:31:35] @ Kergillian : Respecting each others points of view and cultures
[18:31:37] @ quisquilia : this all applies ONLY to the SC and ONLY in the first 90 days?
[18:31:41] @ Kergillian : others = other's
[18:31:44] @ Kergillian : yah
[18:31:46] @ quisquilia : then K from me
[18:31:57] @ dmaxx : every SC I think
[18:32:06] @ dmaxx : only for SC though
[18:32:37] @ hmvh : Fine by me. PS: This is the law for THIS and every subsequent SC member (rotating membership?)
[18:32:39] @ quisquilia : ok then
[18:32:40] @ pusha : I got the feeling most thought that line was kind of frivelious
[18:32:57] @ dmaxx : hmvh: membership is a discussion we can do later
[18:33:08] @ pusha : its more of a "reminder" then anything
[18:33:19] @ dmaxx : Respecting each others points of view and cultures: needless IMO
[18:33:20] @ hmvh : OK, d/
[18:33:34] @ asylum27 : Its a philosphy
[18:33:37] @ quisquilia : agree with dmaxx
[18:33:43] @ Kergillian : so we should scratch it?
[18:33:54] @ dmaxx : Y
[18:34:08] @ pusha : i'm ok with striking it
[18:34:10] @ dmaxx : Someone without respect for other ppl won't be elected in the first place.
[18:34:13] @ Kergillian : I think it's inherent as well - though most groups and communities will have the basic 'we will not discriminate anyone who is blah blah blah)
[18:34:14] @ hmvh : No, keep it as a failsafe to ensure that some don;t become overbearing. Sounds insipid but I'd prefer to keep it.
[18:34:42] @ quisquilia : should be part of the rules for the ENTIRE site
[18:34:51] @ dmaxx : hmvh: can't we work out a ban procedure for that?
[18:34:55] @ asylum27 : I think it should stay..its vague but adds a philosphical paremeter
[18:34:57] @ dmaxx : The rule itsself won't change anything
[18:34:58] @ pusha : I am gonna go with Q on this
[18:35:04] @ quisquilia : no need to have it specifically for the SC
[18:35:06] @ pusha : for the SC its not all that important
[18:35:17] @ hmvh : OK, strike it for the SC, included in site rules instead... makes more sense.
[18:35:25] @ pusha : so that is two to strike - others ?
[18:35:28] @ dmaxx : ^ OK
[18:35:29] @ pusha : 3
[18:35:32] @ pusha : 4
[18:35:34] @ Kergillian : OK scratched
[18:35:40] @ dmaxx : sitewide instead of SC
[18:35:41] @ pusha : done
[18:35:45] @ dmaxx : NXT
[18:35:49] @ Kergillian : Disbanding ourselves in 90 days unless asked to continue our work
[18:35:59] @ quisquilia : ok
[18:36:03] @ Kergillian : I thought it was only if we were unable to complete our mandate
[18:36:18] @ asylum27 : Asked by who? By poll?
[18:36:22] @ Kergillian : we would disband if we were unable to complete our task
[18:36:33] @ pusha : correct asylum
[18:36:42] little_alien has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:36
[18:36:43] @ dmaxx : Maybe do it like this: poll after 90 days: "Keep current SC?", Y/N, Y = continue, N = elections
[18:36:49] @ dmaxx : Hello l_a
[18:36:49] @ hmvh : That's where the "membership" part comes in... mind if I speak here?
[18:36:54] @ little_alien : pfff only just came home
[18:37:05] @ pusha : GO !
[18:37:11] @ pusha : Evening LA
[18:37:20] @ little_alien : hello
[18:37:29] @ quisquilia : like dmaxx idea
[18:37:41] @ dmaxx : hmvh: let's discuss membership and disbanding etc. now
[18:37:57] @ quisquilia : SCs regularly have to be voted / confirmed all three months
[18:38:02] @ hmvh : A site like this will always need some form of steering committee, someone who makes decisions and upholds the law.
[18:38:06] @ Kergillian : hmvh go:
[18:38:08] @ quisquilia : ie each member
[18:38:09] @ asylum27 : I think regular referals back to the community, like a general election, are vital
[18:38:22] @ pusha : off tope - we do have Schneckl with us. We should give him a moment at some point to offer input - just a random thought
[18:38:26] @ dmaxx : How about my idea?
[18:38:31] @ dmaxx : poll after 90 days: "Keep current SC?", Y/N, Y = continue, N = elections
[18:38:34] @ pusha : off topic ******
[18:38:41] @ hmvh : Schneckl, speak you mind.
[18:38:46] @ quisquilia : Y from me for dmaxx
[18:38:59] @ asylum27 : Y
[18:39:20] @ asylum27 : But were are drifting
[18:39:21] @ pusha : ok we gave him a chance - moving on
[18:39:21] @ hmvh : This SC (the very first one, consisting of "us" eleven) has the task of...
[18:39:38] @ hmvh : ...establishing the site and determining the basic direction. ...
[18:40:11] @ hmvh : ...We have the duty to determine a few task forces to deal with issues like the legalese, the coding, the hosting, etc. ...
[18:40:27] @ asylum27 : but that is detail, not the mission statement
[18:40:41] @ Kergillian : k check this out:
[18:40:41] @ dmaxx : ^ Y
[18:40:51] @ quisquilia : fine by me, hmvh
[18:40:55] @ Kergillian : http://veetoo.wikidot.com/steering-committee
[18:40:56] @ dmaxx : mission statement should apply to every SC
[18:40:58] @ dmaxx : in general
[18:41:10] @ Kergillian : scroll to bottom
[18:41:29] @ hmvh : ...We're also here to set the framework for future SCs (which is why it was important for me to KNOW everyone here) and that EVERYONE of the Eleven gets to speak his mind...
[18:41:51] @ pusha : the word "term" keeps coming to mind
[18:42:01] @ dmaxx : Wow, that wiki page changed a lot
[18:42:06] @ quisquilia : yep framework is important
[18:42:25] @ hmvh : ...to make sure we don;t get stuck on a certain mindset and introduce new ideas, I'd like a rotating SC where, say... two or so members step down and two from the "general population" can take their...
[18:42:34] @ Kergillian : scroll to the bottom where I've added the mission statement
[18:42:51] @ hmvh : ...place but still adhere to the general "rules" and the constitution, as it were.
[18:43:07] @ Kergillian : hmvh: how do we decide who steps down and who doesn't?
[18:43:12] @ quisquilia : damn where is the password for the wiki
[18:43:21] @ dmaxx : ddb-start
[18:43:27] @ dmaxx : right?
[18:43:47] @ Kergillian : no clue - I'm auto-logged;p
[18:43:51] @ dmaxx : I think a rotating SC makes things more complicated than needed
[18:43:57] @ pusha : "evaulating progress each 90 day term"
[18:44:01] @ dmaxx : When everythings working fine, why change it
[18:44:06] little_alien has to excuse himself as he has to do stuff Neutral
[18:44:16] @ Kergillian : I like the public poll
[18:44:50] @ Kergillian : it allows us to maintain status quo if the community likes the job we've been doing
[18:44:50] Schneckl has been disconnected the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:44 (session timeout)
[18:44:53] @ pusha : "holding a public poll to evualate our progress every 90 day term"
[18:45:04] @ pusha : "each 90 day term"
[18:45:04] @ asylum27 : I agree dmaxx...however a referal back to the community for a y or n like a general election every 90 daysis important
[18:45:16] @ dmaxx : Absolutely
[18:45:21] @ hmvh : Voluntarily or no-show of regular meetings Twisted Evil
[18:45:28] @ dmaxx : We need the vote of the community on a certain interval
[18:45:54] @ Kergillian : pusha: I think it's inherent that it's each 90 day term, because each 90 day term will have a new mandate
[18:45:58] @ hmvh : We need "support" of the community... their trust!
[18:46:03] @ pusha : k
[18:46:18] @ Kergillian : let me see if I can rephrase
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Admin, Manager

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SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20   SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 9:27 pm

[18:46:30] @ quisquilia : thx dmaxx, finally am logged in to wiki
[18:46:36] @ pusha : holding public polls at regular intervals to evualate our progress
[18:46:45] @ Kergillian : changed to 'each 90-day mandate'
[18:47:05] @ hmvh : @pusha: That's good, me likes.
[18:47:10] @ asylum27 : can you run the whole thing again
[18:47:20] @ hmvh : Someone gimme the link to the wiki page.
[18:47:23] @ Kergillian : asylum: http://veetoo.wikidot.com/steering-committee
[18:47:28] @ Kergillian : scroll to the bottom
[18:47:36] @ pusha : ehhh - not liking the word choice "mandate" sounds heavy handed
[18:47:59] @ Kergillian : how about
[18:48:05] @ Kergillian : holding a poll every 90 days
[18:48:37] @ pusha : and actually to rephrase my suggestions "at regular intervals hold public polls to evualate our progress"
[18:48:54] @ Kergillian : 'Holding a poll every 90 days decide whether or not a new committee should be elected'
[18:48:59] @ Kergillian : 'to decide'
[18:49:07] @ pusha : fuck - that doesnt work with "we believe in"
[18:49:21] @ dmaxx : Kergillian, that's exactly what I proposed
[18:49:24] @ dmaxx : So it's good for me
[18:49:34] @ Kergillian : Smile
[18:49:36] @ pusha : I can go with that
[18:50:05] @ pusha : and it fits in line with what has been openly discussed in the forums ie: 90 day term
[18:50:15] @ Kergillian : OK, edited it
[18:50:16] @ pusha : not ambigious "intervals"
[18:50:26] @ asylum27 : next
[18:50:28] @ Kergillian : I have to go
[18:50:28] @ quisquilia : good, p
[18:50:35] Schneckl has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:50
[18:50:38] @ pusha : H you ok with the above ?
[18:50:39] @ quisquilia : bye, k
[18:50:42] @ Kergillian : so please add the WE AIM To section to the wiki page as well
[18:50:53] @ pusha : Schnekl - let us know if you have comment
[18:51:03] @ dmaxx : Kergillian, bye mate
[18:51:07] @ Kergillian : and when you split into sub-groups, my first choice is to be on the 'vision' committee
[18:51:15] @ pusha : Kerg thank you !
[18:51:22] @ Kergillian : and I would definitely be a bad fit on thew Programing committee
[18:51:26] @ Kergillian : later all Smile
[18:51:31] @ Kergillian : I SENSE PROGRESS!!
[18:51:36] @ pusha : lol
[18:51:40] @ pusha : take care
[18:51:47] Kergillian is Disconnected on Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:51
[18:51:50] @ asylum27 : Indeed..se ya
[18:51:54] @ quisquilia : then let's proceed now
[18:52:10] @ pusha : ok on to "we aim" ?
[18:52:21] @ pusha : we could start from scratch here
[18:52:32] @ quisquilia : is there any idea about the size of the SC?
[18:52:39] @ pusha : what I wrote was just arbatray BS
[18:52:48] @ quisquilia : minimum of members / maximum
[18:53:20] @ pusha : I suggest leaving that open until we are futher down the road
[18:53:28] @ dmaxx : SC: 11 members, as usual, right?
[18:53:32] @ quisquilia : now we're 11 - is that the number we require from all future SCs?
[18:53:37] @ pusha : at some point we may want to change it
[18:53:42] @ dmaxx : I think 11 is good
[18:53:51] @ asylum27 : However at some stage we need to define a quorum for decisions
[18:54:02] @ pusha : *nods*
[18:54:21] @ asylum27 : 11 at one time is unlikely
[18:54:38] @ pusha : yes, and thank God we made it 11
[18:54:46] @ pusha : otherwise no one would be here
[18:54:47] @ pusha : lol
[18:54:57] @ dmaxx : Quorum 7? = 2/3
[18:54:59] @ pusha : I gotta make a pit stop - brb
[18:55:08] @ quisquilia : yes
[18:55:22] @ quisquilia : yes @ dmaxx I mean
[18:55:50] @ asylum27 : that's what I was thinking..7 ..however right now we have 6
[18:56:11] @ hmvh : Sorry guys... need to take a break, woman demands attention.
[18:56:30] @ dmaxx : hmvh: no prob
[18:56:31] @ asylum27 : make that 5
[18:56:47] @ dmaxx : 6 = simple majority / 7 = two thirds majority
[18:56:51] @ quisquilia : h, get your priorities straight ;-P
[18:57:07] @ quisquilia : bye, h
[18:58:06] @ hmvh : Carry on, I'll catch up later... we're done discussing the SC now?
[18:59:01] @ asylum27 : I gotta go too, I need to be at work in 5 hours and its 1am
[18:59:17] @ quisquilia : the MS is done methinks
[18:59:17] little_alien has been disconnected the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:59 (session timeout)
[18:59:56] @ quisquilia : the general guiding rules /principles of SCs still need finetuning
[19:00:21] @ quisquilia : but who is left for discussion now?
[19:00:34] @ dmaxx : I am
[19:00:55] @ dmaxx : Other ppl?
[19:00:58] @ quisquilia : so three people
[19:01:06] @ quisquilia : you, pusha, me
[19:02:21] @ dmaxx : Continue / Wait?
[19:02:54] @ quisquilia : w ecan continue, have about half an hour still
[19:03:32] @ dmaxx : Good
[19:04:32] @ dmaxx : https://discogs.actieforum.com/steering-committee-f18/4-13-08-agenda-very-rouch-draft-of-document-in-progress-t190.htm
[19:04:40] @ quisquilia : ok, what's next? general ideas about SC guiding principles? sub committee questions
[19:05:03] @ dmaxx : Oh, maybe best to do SubCommittees
[19:05:05] @ pusha : ok much better *scrolling*
[19:05:13] @ quisquilia : oh, wait, need to open window
[19:05:14] @ dmaxx : Define what ones we will have
[19:05:24] @ dmaxx : How many members each
[19:05:26] @ dmaxx : And who
[19:05:46] Schneckl has been disconnected the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 19:05 (session timeout)
[19:05:59] @ pusha : I'm good for subs
[19:06:05] @ quisquilia : 1) vision & general principles
[19:06:12] @ quisquilia : 2) tech stuff
[19:06:26] @ quisquilia : 3) legal & finance
[19:06:51] @ quisquilia : IMO we should FIRST address tech
[19:06:53] @ pusha : I think we need to break the tech stuff down
[19:06:56] @ pusha : lmao
[19:07:02] @ dmaxx : I agree
[19:07:05] @ pusha : great minds think alike
[19:07:10] @ dmaxx : With q
[19:07:13] @ quisquilia : because if we have no coders, everything else is based on nothing
[19:07:14] @ dmaxx : LOL
[19:07:20] @ pusha : admittedly this is a week area for me
[19:07:25] @ dmaxx : In what should tech be splitted?
[19:07:52] @ quisquilia : 2a) DB programmers
[19:07:57] @ dmaxx : coding / db structure?
[19:08:06] @ quisquilia : 2b) interface / HTML
[19:08:28] @ dmaxx : Aren't those interweaven?
[19:08:45] @ dmaxx : Or maybe we can let the tech members decide this
[19:08:55] @ quisquilia : who do we know who is STRONG / GOOD at tech stuff?
[19:09:04] @ quisquilia : l_a?
[19:09:08] @ dmaxx : l_a
[19:09:08] @ pusha : I think we could do a loose framework
[19:09:20] @ pusha : and it can be tweaked as needed
[19:09:28] @ quisquilia : ok
[19:09:33] @ dmaxx : wish pano was in the SC... he's lawyer and accountant -> legal and finance
[19:09:36] @ pusha : ultra seems to be ready to go
[19:10:09] @ dmaxx : We can propose the three subs and let SC members decide what to participate in
[19:10:13] @ quisquilia : we should inany case ask pano to check legal aspects on Euro side
[19:10:59] @ quisquilia : we need someone else to check US / North American side
[19:11:08] @ pusha : I think legal and finance should "business and operations"
[19:11:28] @ quisquilia : and ask both to report to SC within given timeframe
[19:12:10] @ quisquilia : ok, p, I'm indifferent about how we call it
[19:12:24] @ dmaxx : me too
[19:12:24] @ pusha : *still thinking*
[19:12:55] @ dmaxx : But "Legal and finance" is clearer IMO
[19:13:10] @ pusha : you know what
[19:13:13] @ pusha : I changed my mind
[19:13:16] @ pusha : at this stage
[19:13:25] @ pusha : it really is "legal and finance"
[19:13:38] hmvh has been disconnected the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 19:13 (session timeout)
[19:13:47] @ quisquilia : how about "business, legal and financial ops"
[19:14:07] @ dmaxx : business too
[19:14:07] asylum27 has been disconnected the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 19:14 (session timeout)
[19:14:19] @ pusha : hmmm thats sounding pretty good
[19:14:25] @ dmaxx : don't know about "business", we aren't really one
[19:14:27] @ quisquilia : who was the one who had a wife he could ask about legal aspects wrt US?
[19:14:38] @ pusha : *no clue*
[19:14:50] @ dmaxx : don't know
[19:14:57] @ dmaxx : hmvh?
[19:15:07] @ dmaxx : l_a?
[19:15:12] @ dmaxx : I'll check out the logs
[19:15:17] @ quisquilia : dmaxx, can you contact pano to investigate legal questions in Europe...
[19:15:23] @ pusha : *nods*
[19:15:55] @ quisquilia : ... AS SOON (but not before) we have a draft / modell / questionnionare
[19:16:03] @ dmaxx : Sure
[19:16:19] @ pusha : ok how many folks on this sub com ?
[19:16:22] @ dmaxx : Remind me in time
[19:16:23] @ pusha : 3 ?
[19:16:48] @ dmaxx : Financial etc? 3
[19:16:53] @ dmaxx : Tech: 3
[19:16:58] @ dmaxx : Or 4
[19:17:03] @ dmaxx : Vision: 3
[19:17:17] @ dmaxx : Hm... that's 10 :-/
[19:17:17] @ pusha : so that leaves 5 for tech
[19:17:17] @ quisquilia : can SC members be active on several sub committees or just one
[19:17:20] @ pusha : I like that
[19:17:30] @ pusha : I think just one
[19:17:34] @ dmaxx : Fin 3 / Tech 5 / Vis 3
[19:18:01] @ pusha : *nods*
[19:18:02] @ pusha : q ?
[19:18:11] @ dmaxx : And abbreviations: SC.Fin / SC.Tech / SC.Vis
[19:18:23] @ dmaxx : Smile
[19:18:28] @ pusha : SC BFL
[19:18:33] @ quisquilia : I agree with special task forces of sub com size for tech & finance
[19:18:36] @ pusha : business financial and legal
[19:18:57] @ quisquilia : but vision - only 3 - will be hard
[19:18:57] Schneckl has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 19:18
[19:19:05] @ pusha : no no
[19:19:10] @ pusha : only 3
[19:19:20] @ pusha : more then that and they wont be able to decide how to tie their shoes
[19:19:29] @ pusha : or "agree" rather
[19:19:45] @ quisquilia : ok
[19:19:53] @ dmaxx : good
[19:20:12] @ pusha : the way I see it the subs will report back to the SC as a whole for input
[19:20:35] @ dmaxx : Y
[19:20:39] @ quisquilia : yes
[19:20:50] @ pusha : lol - as dmaxx can attest our first conversation on vision was a disaster
[19:20:58] @ pusha : Q where you there ?
[19:21:16] @ dmaxx : p: it was indeed lol
[19:21:28] @ quisquilia : yes, missed a bit in between though
[19:21:45] @ quisquilia : I like or discussion last sunday, pusha
[19:21:55] @ quisquilia : like = liked
[19:21:57] @ pusha : yes that was good
[19:22:06] @ quisquilia : 2 ppl, many agreements
[19:22:21] @ pusha : yes
[19:22:26] @ dmaxx : Wasn't I there?
[19:22:33] @ pusha : yes
[19:22:42] @ pusha : actually it was four
[19:22:42] @ quisquilia : ok about the nature of the SC sub committees
[19:22:46] @ pusha : H, D, P, Q
[19:23:13] @ quisquilia : they make up proposals and report to the SC?
[19:23:22] @ dmaxx : Yes
[19:23:27] @ pusha : yes
[19:23:30] @ quisquilia : in SC then voting?
[19:23:33] @ pusha : and how about they set up a time frame
[19:23:41] @ pusha : "we can have this done in XX days"
[19:23:55] @ dmaxx : That'd be nice
[19:24:03] @ quisquilia : IMO those sub committees will face one problem though
[19:24:06] @ pusha : @ Q - yes
[19:24:47] @ quisquilia : both tech & blf deped on guiding principles defined by the vision committee
[19:25:31] @ quisquilia : example
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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 908
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-01-07

SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20   SC chatsession 3: 2008-04-20 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 9:28 pm

[19:26:08] @ quisquilia : if the vision crowd decides what exactly makes up a release...
[19:26:25] @ dmaxx : hm true...
[19:26:35] @ pusha : yeah
[19:26:43] @ dmaxx : problem
[19:26:54] @ quisquilia : ... and which fields are necessary...
[19:26:59] @ pusha : any chance you think this kink can work itself out along the way ?
[19:27:18] @ quisquilia : ... at THAT point the tech people can start wit technical implementation
[19:27:21] @ dmaxx : Maybe, but what if it doesnt?
[19:27:46] @ pusha : ok
[19:27:53] @ pusha : what a about a poll for the sc
[19:28:02] @ pusha : to say "vision" has the lead
[19:28:06] @ pusha : on development
[19:28:12] @ dmaxx : Maybe put a deadline on the VIS comm
[19:28:12] @ pusha : unless over rules by 2/3
[19:28:13] @ quisquilia : we need one SC head to check with each group and synchronise them
[19:28:16] @ pusha : or something like that
[19:28:41] @ dmaxx : one person to make a bridge
[19:28:45] @ dmaxx : between all groups
[19:28:46] @ quisquilia : deadline for vis sounds good
[19:28:46] @ pusha : or ..... we could over lap
[19:28:47] @ dmaxx : good for me
[19:28:57] @ pusha : vis has 5
[19:29:07] @ pusha : adding one from tech and one from BLF
[19:29:10] @ quisquilia : 5 ???
[19:29:21] @ pusha : think overlap
[19:29:21] @ quisquilia : ah, I see
[19:29:37] @ dmaxx : overlap yes
[19:29:39] @ pusha : all though that goes against my earlier statment
[19:29:47] @ pusha : give me the bridge idea
[19:29:52] @ quisquilia : dmaxx and I were thinking along the same line
[19:30:07] @ dmaxx : one member from a certain committee
[19:30:16] @ dmaxx : also being a bridge with the others
[19:30:25] @ pusha : ok ok
[19:30:28] @ quisquilia : SC head who interacts & coordinates all the sub committees
[19:30:46] @ dmaxx : y
[19:31:05] @ pusha : ok
[19:31:10] @ quisquilia : dmaxx idea can work if that "bridging" person also reports to SC head
[19:31:37] @ dmaxx : Isn't the bridging person the SC head?
[19:31:59] @ quisquilia : SC head = had of steering committe (all 11)
[19:32:20] @ quisquilia : bridges = heads of individual groups
[19:32:36] @ dmaxx : Isn't that a bit complicated?
[19:32:38] @ dmaxx : Here's my idea
[19:32:45] @ dmaxx : One head member, who is part of a sub
[19:32:47] @ quisquilia : ok or too much?
[19:32:51] @ dmaxx : Being the bridge to all subs
[19:33:48] @ quisquilia : ok but that one will be REALLY involved then for a couple of weeks
[19:33:54] @ pusha : a "floater" kind of
[19:34:05] Schneckl has been disconnected the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 19:34 (session timeout)
[19:34:46] @ pusha : hmmm I think we have to let this play itself out
[19:35:13] @ dmaxx : Without head?
[19:35:31] @ pusha : what I mena is, maybe in the coming days and idea will ocme
[19:35:34] @ pusha : come**
[19:36:03] @ quisquilia : ok let's think about that
[19:36:16] @ quisquilia : and decide next week
[19:36:24] @ quisquilia : definitely
[19:36:28] @ pusha : I agree with you guys though, it is a concern
[19:36:41] @ pusha : a big one at that
[19:36:50] @ dmaxx : yes
[19:36:58] @ quisquilia : what timeframe for vision do you envision, pusha?
[19:37:25] @ quisquilia : two weeks, three?
[19:37:30] @ pusha : *thinking*
[19:37:35] @ dmaxx : 1Month
[19:37:38] deejsasqui has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 19:37
[19:37:51] @ pusha : whoa the gardener has arrived
[19:37:54] @ quisquilia : we need to speed up intervalls for chats then, though
[19:37:55] @ pusha : Very Happy
[19:38:13] @ quisquilia : once per week will not be enough
[19:38:15] @ deejsasqui : howdy and g'morning / g'day to y'all
[19:38:16] @ pusha : I think Vision is gonna have to figure that out
[19:38:18] @ deejsasqui : today I'm a DJ.
[19:38:22] @ quisquilia : hi dee
[19:38:25] @ pusha : ok DJ
[19:38:28] @ pusha : Wink
[19:38:29] @ deejsasqui : www.kcpr.org - playing live on college station
[19:38:29] @ dmaxx : It will be hard in the week
[19:38:34] @ quisquilia : ...jay
[19:38:37] @ dmaxx : Many ppl working etc
[19:38:47] @ pusha : certinatly, we can't hold everything for them though
[19:38:48] @ quisquilia : yep
[19:39:00] @ pusha : so they need to dole out ideas incromentally
[19:39:01] @ deejsasqui : I'll be reading back through this, trying to add something, or just understand where you've already gone
[19:39:17] @ pusha : coolies
[19:39:24] @ quisquilia : in the forums people start complaining...
[19:39:34] @ pusha : we refind the MS and are looking at sub committes now
[19:39:45] @ deejsasqui : tnx
[19:39:50] @ quisquilia : ...that nothing's there already...
[19:40:00] @ dmaxx : if i find time i'll start a draft for newsletter
[19:40:11] @ quisquilia : ...how about we let the techies start playing / coding...
[19:40:20] @ pusha : *nod*
[19:40:33] @ quisquilia : ...along the line of masakaris idea....
[19:40:38] @ pusha : ok I think Vis needs something in no longer then 2 weeks
[19:40:49] @ pusha : just "something"
[19:41:07] @ quisquilia : ...and the SC vision people then bring that on line
[19:41:24] @ pusha : right
[19:41:30] @ quisquilia : on line = in line (or whatever the correct term is in English)
[19:41:34] @ pusha : in part we already did some of that work last week too
[19:41:58] @ quisquilia : d?
[19:42:11] @ pusha : @ D I think a newsletter is good at this point
[19:42:25] @ quisquilia : agree
[19:42:28] @ dmaxx : y
[19:42:56] @ pusha : and that might spark some of the other SC's to get off their asses
[19:42:57] @ pusha : Very Happy
[19:43:24] @ pusha : and I mean that in a nice way
[19:43:26] @ quisquilia : so let the coders decide which language, who is responsible or what etc
[19:43:55] @ quisquilia : and in that time the vision people and subsequently the tech ppl can start
[19:44:07] @ pusha : sounds good
[19:44:20] @ quisquilia : OT: What happened to lazlo?
[19:44:34] @ quisquilia : Haven't seen him around in a while
[19:44:58] @ pusha : dont know
[19:45:10] @ pusha : so what sub com do you guys see yourselves in ?
[19:45:13] @ dmaxx : no idea
[19:45:43] @ dmaxx : i'll need to think about that
[19:45:43] @ pusha : I'm a BFL guy
[19:45:51] @ dmaxx : maybe BFL or VIS
[19:45:57] @ pusha : I dont feel qualified for the others
[19:46:07] @ dmaxx : BFL
[19:46:12] @ dmaxx : I'll do that too
[19:46:22] @ dmaxx : Especially finance
[19:46:36] @ dmaxx : Studied economy
[19:46:43] @ dmaxx : Have some good ideas
[19:46:49] @ pusha : great
[19:46:51] @ quisquilia : Vis and perhaps a helping hand for BFL
[19:47:16] @ deejsasqui : All I could really do would be Vis
[19:47:26] @ deejsasqui : BFL - I'd need to study up a lot
[19:47:29] @ quisquilia : me = economist, but focus on international financial bodies (IMF)
[19:47:34] @ pusha : your a good Vis guy
[19:47:46] @ deejsasqui : Tech - I'd only be good for layout, which is a much later step (IMO)
[19:48:00] @ pusha : <--- fears he is the least educated of the bunch
[19:48:02] @ pusha : lo
[19:48:09] @ dmaxx : Some good variety I see
[19:48:10] @ pusha : lol
[19:48:10] @ dmaxx : Nice
[19:48:24] @ quisquilia : and me = philosophy teacher, therefore vision
[19:48:26] @ dmaxx : Will someone make a topic in the forums?
[19:48:56] @ pusha : I do have to say - I have always been impressed by the shear talent of the community
[19:49:06] @ pusha : some of you guys just blow me away
[19:49:18] @ pusha : its good company to be in
[19:49:48] @ quisquilia : ok, so we have
[19:50:02] @ quisquilia : 1) vision: kerg + moi
[19:50:20] @ quisquilia : + DJ
[19:50:52] @ quisquilia : 3) BFL: dmaxx + pusha (+ help of onSC pano, hopefully)
[19:51:10] @ quisquilia : onSC = nonSC
[19:51:17] @ dmaxx : y
[19:51:18] @ quisquilia : fuck this keyboard
[19:51:30] @ pusha : lol
[19:52:00] @ quisquilia : ok, I admit, it's my lack of typing skills
[19:52:12] @ quisquilia : guys, I need to go
[19:52:17] @ deejsasqui : Yeah - looking at the Skills thread / wiki page, it's pretty impressive
[19:52:22] @ pusha : if I had to guess Hmvh would be a BFL
[19:52:38] @ quisquilia : will prolly talk with kreuz this week
[19:52:43] @ pusha : shit this might work out pretty good
[19:52:51] @ quisquilia : perhaps he's some tech ideas
[19:52:52] @ deejsasqui : Unfortunately, we haven't gotten much feedback / life on recent threads, though if we asked people directly if they had time to put in, we could get more activity
[19:53:03] @ deejsasqui : re: Pano for legal stuff - word is, he's pretty busy
[19:53:10] @ pusha : we should welcome nonSC input and help
[19:53:14] @ deejsasqui : I'm sure we can get some initial info from him, though
[19:53:24] @ pusha : DJ we are going to do a news letter
[19:53:33] @ deejsasqui : there was another person around here with legal knowledge - I'll have to look through logs to find who that was thoug
[19:53:35] @ quisquilia : he said so, yes
[19:53:47] @ quisquilia : ok, bye
[19:53:48] @ dmaxx : I'll make a newsletter draft this week
[19:53:52] @ dmaxx : IF i find the time
[19:54:08] @ pusha : d what kind of thread were you referring to above ?
[19:54:08] @ deejsasqui : Will our newsletter ask for help, along with updating people then?
[19:54:31] quisquilia is Disconnected on Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 19:54
[19:54:37] @ deejsasqui : someone might have PM'd me to tell me they had professional legal experience ..
[19:55:02] @ deejsasqui : though I thought they wanted it kept quiet, as they felt they didn't have enough time to really help out enough in that area.
[19:55:31] @ dmaxx : deej: it will explain current progresses and ask ppl to join
[19:55:54] @ pusha : I think the first thing we need to do is get a thread going so people can voluenteer for their preferred sub com
[19:56:29] @ pusha : I dont think most would appreciate being "assigned"
[19:56:31] @ dmaxx : Yes, a tread in the "Steering Committee (Public)" subforum
[19:56:50] @ dmaxx : and seperate forums for the subcommittees
[19:57:00] @ dmaxx : existing out of SC and nonSC members
[19:57:17] @ deejsasqui : sounds good!
[19:57:29] @ pusha : I dont have time at the moment, but later today I can do a bunch of that
[19:57:52] @ pusha : unless someone else prefers too
[19:58:04] @ deejsasqui : Should we form new forums, or try to utilize the existing matching forums?
[19:58:20] @ deejsasqui : I worry we'll get to be like Discogs groups - too fragmented to follow everything
[19:58:43] @ deejsasqui : though if we made a focused effort at keeping things separate into their own groups, and some index thread / page, we could be fine
[19:58:44] @ pusha : we can try and use what we got
[19:58:59] @ dmaxx : Ok
[19:59:05] @ pusha : and let the subcoms decide what works best for them
[19:59:13] @ pusha : ect
[19:59:38] @ dmaxx : BFL: 4. Finance: income, sponsorship, marketplace
[19:59:54] @ dmaxx : TECH: 5. Technical: database format and structure
[20:00:04] @ dmaxx : VIS?
[20:00:35] @ pusha : new forum
[20:00:47] @ pusha : or "other"
[20:00:48] @ pusha : lol
[20:01:16] @ dmaxx : Other
[20:01:23] @ dmaxx : Smile lol
[20:01:29] @ pusha : lol
[20:01:53] @ dmaxx : If we apply [BFL], [TECH], [VIS] tags before topic titles, that'd keep things organised
[20:02:02] @ dmaxx : Maybe use a sticky index
[20:02:30] @ pusha : D you have a good feel for the organization fo the forums
[20:02:37] @ pusha : do you want to do the posts ?
[20:02:45] @ pusha : and I can come through and fill in whats needed
[20:03:41] @ dmaxx : What posts? Proposing the subcommittees,
[20:03:44] @ dmaxx : ?
[20:04:08] hmvh has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 20:04
[20:04:25] @ pusha : ok maybe I am unclear on what you were thinking
[20:04:32] hmvh is Disconnected on Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 20:04
[20:04:39] @ deejsasqui : Yeah - tagging topics, and reminding people to keep on-topic would be good
[20:04:40] @ pusha : are we starting with an SC thread for subcoms ?
[20:04:50] hmvh has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 20:04
[20:04:54] @ dmaxx : Yep
[20:05:04] @ pusha : ahh ok
[20:05:11] @ pusha : damm I gotta run guys
[20:05:12] @ deejsasqui : with the ideas / focuses / goals for each group
[20:05:19] Iron_Fist has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 20:05
[20:05:27] @ deejsasqui : and some guidelines for how to discuss things in other threads with other users
[20:05:29] @ hmvh : Sorry, I'm out at the moment. Women: Can't live with 'em, not allowed to kill 'em!
[20:05:36] hmvh is Disconnected on Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 20:05
[20:05:37] @ pusha : lol
[20:05:49] Iron_Fist : Hi all
[20:05:58] @ dmaxx : Hi Iron_Fist
[20:05:59] @ deejsasqui : pretty much: "Tag committee threads" =)
[20:06:03] @ deejsasqui : howdy IF
[20:06:04] @ pusha : D before I go what would you like me to do?
[20:06:07] @ pusha : Hello IF !
[20:06:33] @ dmaxx : pusha, it's fine I'll make a topic
[20:06:41] @ pusha : kk
[20:06:43] @ dmaxx : to explain the subcommittees
[20:06:48] @ pusha : and I have the additions to the MS
[20:06:54] @ pusha : I can roll some of that out
[20:06:56] @ dmaxx : maybe other ppl can help me with this?
[20:07:02] @ pusha : in Dees thread
[20:07:19] @ dmaxx : That would be nice
[20:07:26] @ pusha : bsically I will pick up whereever you guys leave off where it makes sense
[20:07:29] @ pusha : k sounds good
[20:07:41] @ pusha : have a great day/evening
[20:07:46] @ pusha : everyone
[20:07:51] @ pusha : good work !
[20:07:58] @ dmaxx : k bye
[20:08:03] Iron_Fist : The chat's pretty much ending I guess?
[20:08:10] @ pusha : bye
[20:08:13] @ deejsasqui : ok - sounds good!
[20:08:16] @ dmaxx : I think it is
[20:08:39] Iron_Fist : dmaxx, did you save the history of the chat?
[20:08:49] @ dmaxx : Most people are gone
[20:08:51] @ dmaxx : yep
[20:08:54] @ dmaxx : Will be posted later
[20:09:03] Iron_Fist : cool
[20:09:05] Iron_Fist : goodbye then
[20:09:19] @ dmaxx : Bye
[20:09:25] @ deejsasqui : sorry IF - I joined a bit late, too
[20:09:49] @ deejsasqui : but there'll be more activity in the forums
[20:11:39] @ dmaxx : I will come up with a topic to explain the subcommittees later
[20:11:45] @ dmaxx : And a draft for the first newsletter
[20:12:06] @ deejsasqui : There was discussion of the mission statement, the newsletter, and sub-committees to get things happening
[20:12:36] @ dmaxx : We made some nice progress
[20:18:38] Masakari has joined the chat the Sun 20 Apr 2008 - 20:18
[20:19:15] @ deejsasqui : Howdy Masakari!
[20:19:25] Masakari : Goodday, folks!
[20:20:10] Masakari : Howdy partner! Hmm, ok I guess I missed the tea party.
[20:20:11] @ deejsasqui : Sorry to say, I think most of the discussions have happened already
[20:20:11] @ dmaxx : Hi Masakari
[20:20:25] @ dmaxx : As deejsasqui says, the action is over
[20:21:16] Masakari : np. Am going to read what has been said in the forums then. Cheers!
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