[17:35:56] @ ultra_ambient : I would've had more done by now but things at work have change drastically in the last couple of weeks
[17:35:59] @ hmvh : @deej... yes, both to show we are making progress and it to find all the fields we need.
[17:36:31] @ hmvh : That's why I requested wacky examples.
[17:36:59] @ dmaxx : Oh yes, I still have to post some of these
[17:37:05] @ dmaxx : I'll opt for some obscure cassettes
[17:38:01] @ hmvh : I'm after stuff that breaks the standard artist / title / format / label / track listing conventions.
[17:38:15] @ dmaxx : I'll see what I can do Smile
[17:39:18] Iron_Fist : Is everyone for breaking up the SC? I think that's one decision that has to be clear at the end of the day
[17:39:28] @ dmaxx : I'll try to post those examples today or tomorrow
[17:39:41] @ dmaxx : I'm for opening the SC for everyone
[17:40:01] @ ultra_ambient : It should break up. There is not enough acticity at the moment to justify having an SCC.
[17:40:08] Iron_Fist : shall we make a poll to ask the majority?
[17:40:11] @ deejsasqui : agreed
[17:40:19] @ deejsasqui : iron fist: yes
[17:40:31] @ hmvh : Regardless of what we choose, someone needs to drive things along.
[17:40:39] @ deejsasqui : so it's not just a decision by the 5 people who are awake at this time =)
[17:41:01] @ dmaxx : Poll is good
[17:41:12] Iron_Fist : hmvh: what do you mean?
[17:41:32] @ dmaxx : We need a leader
[17:41:35] Iron_Fist : who will?
[17:41:37] @ dmaxx : Or a group of leaders
[17:41:45] Iron_Fist : who has the time and capacity?
[17:41:46] @ ultra_ambient : I think we should form a new team made up of those who've remained dedicated to this project
[17:42:03] @ dmaxx : I have the time, but not the capacity
[17:42:15] @ ultra_ambient : I think it's a lot easier at this point to see who is in it for the long haul
[17:42:22] @ dmaxx : I'll work behind the scenes
[17:42:33] @ dmaxx : I'm not leaving the project
[17:42:49] Iron_Fist : u_a: IMO that's just an restructured SC. and IMHO will not work either
[17:42:54] @ deejsasqui : could we come up with things that need to be done, and people can volunteer to take them on?
[17:43:11] @ dmaxx : Hey that sounds good
[17:43:27] @ dmaxx : I like that
[17:43:38] @ deejsasqui : because there were some SC members who came on and they were excited to get things done, but real life became more important for a variety of reasons
[17:43:41] Iron_Fist : unfortunately, the job I currently have won't permit me to be available a lot this summer
[17:43:47] @ deejsasqui : or we disagreed on how things should be done
[17:44:05] @ ultra_ambient : Iron Fist: True, but it would be made up of people who are more likely to stick around and contribute.
[17:44:05] @ dmaxx : A checklist of tasks sounds good
[17:44:12] @ deejsasqui : you can volunteer for something, and if you don't have enough time, step down and let someone else take over
[17:44:31] @ deejsasqui : no need for strict structure, just keep the discussions open
[17:44:56] Iron_Fist : cool, love it
[17:45:09] @ dmaxx : Letting people do things on a strict voluntary basis, godo
[17:45:13] @ dmaxx : good*
[17:45:45] Iron_Fist : but still, the most important part has to be done by coders, which we lack of
[17:46:14] @ deejsasqui : yeah - but that doesn't mean we have nothing to do
[17:46:37] @ dmaxx : If we have a decent plan we may attract some
[17:46:38] Iron_Fist : what are the tasks that could be done on voluntary basis that does not require a coder: writing submissions guidelines, ...?
[17:46:49] @ deejsasqui : i think we can make it a lot easier for an interested coder (or paid coder) to join us if we have some guidelines or detailed ideas for structure
[17:46:51] @ dmaxx : defining the fields we need
[17:47:07] @ dmaxx : defening how we take care of genres/styles
[17:47:07] @ deejsasqui : define how they interact
[17:47:10] @ dmaxx : voting system
[17:47:11] @ dmaxx : etc
[17:47:29] @ deejsasqui : what we want from the user-end (notification, voting, comments, replies, tracking)
[17:47:58] @ dmaxx : hierarchy
[17:48:04] @ dmaxx : financial and legal issues
[17:48:10] @ deejsasqui : master release =)
[17:48:34] Iron_Fist : :Smile
[17:48:43] @ deejsasqui : re: financial and legal - I think we could talk with folks at MusicBrainz
[17:49:05] Iron_Fist : hmvh wrote some nice essay on that particular subject
[17:50:38] @ dmaxx : So I suggest we make a checklist?
[17:50:41] @ deejsasqui : they seem to be the most similar, and most organized group we could rely on
[17:50:44] @ dmaxx : Of detailed tasks
[17:50:52] @ deejsasqui : sure, we've started one =)
[17:51:31] Iron_Fist : ok, that's something we could restart with
[17:52:02] @ dmaxx : I'll open a topic, is that good?
[17:52:11] Iron_Fist : sorry guys, my mom's prepared a dinner, so I'll have to leave you for several minutes
[17:52:37] @ dmaxx : Ok, enjoy
[17:52:51] @ deejsasqui : ok =)
[17:53:35] @ deejsasqui : hmvh: where is financial / legal post of yours? I'm having trouble searching the site
[17:53:51] @ deejsasqui : dmaxx: we could start brainstorming the list here
[17:54:09] @ dmaxx : Also good
[17:54:13] @ deejsasqui : 1. required fields
[17:54:41] @ dmaxx : I think we need that to be done before we can start writing RSGs
[17:54:42] @ deejsasqui : -- this will create it's own list of sub-tasks: how does each field function
[17:54:50] @ ultra_ambient : monkey
[17:54:52] @ deejsasqui : agreed
[17:55:29] @ deejsasqui : monkey face?
[17:55:31] hmvh has been disconnected the Sat 21 Jun 2008 - 17:55 (session timeout)
[17:56:11] @ ultra_ambient : Was about to be disconnected like hmvh
[17:56:29] @ dmaxx : Smile
[17:58:26] @ dmaxx : maybe we could add priorities to the tasks
[17:59:53] @ ultra_ambient : Deej: You might be able to find the post you're looking for in this list:
https://discogs.actieforum.com/search.forum?search_author=hmvh[18:01:33] @ deejsasqui : it doesn't turn up things by hmvh tho
[18:02:04] @ ultra_ambient : Yes it does. It shows everything he's posted.
[18:02:30] @ dmaxx : Could it be by asylum27 instead?
https://discogs.actieforum.com/subcommittees-f20/bfl-starting-points-t256.htm[18:02:34] @ deejsasqui : but not the threads he's started
[18:03:10] @ ultra_ambient : Yes, they are there too. Look for hmvh under 'Author'.
[18:03:56] @ deejsasqui : I thought it'd be easier to sort by things he's authored (I wanted an easy way out =)
[18:07:26] Iron_Fist has been disconnected the Sat 21 Jun 2008 - 18:07 (session timeout)
[18:08:15] @ dmaxx : Found it yet?
[18:08:24] @ deejsasqui : ok .. it seems we're losing folk
[18:08:50] @ deejsasqui : do you want to work on the checklist here?
[18:08:57] @ deejsasqui : or should we work it out in a forum thread
[18:10:12] @ ultra_ambient : I'm happy to discuss things here
[18:10:38] @ dmaxx : Me too
[18:10:40] @ dmaxx : Here
[18:10:53] @ dmaxx : We can make a topic with the final version afterwards
[18:11:26] @ deejsasqui : ok
[18:11:38] @ dmaxx : Highest priority + most realisable above
[18:11:52] @ dmaxx : I think that should be the fields
[18:12:06] @ deejsasqui : agreed
[18:13:08] @ dmaxx : 1. Defining fields (artist/release/label)
[18:13:42] @ dmaxx : next, RSGs?
[18:13:50] @ deejsasqui : and anything else associated with those fields; what kind of data would be used
[18:13:59] @ deejsasqui : ok
[18:14:04] @ dmaxx : 1a. Allowed data
[18:14:10] @ ultra_ambient : Yes, we can start writing an RSG before the site is up
[18:14:19] @ deejsasqui : which could be pretty open. my questions at this time: how to structure it?
[18:15:23] @ dmaxx : Structure the RSG?
[18:15:27] @ deejsasqui : flat file of all details like Discogs has, or tiers of detail (first level: general stuff; second level: more detail; third level: very specific cases ..)
[18:15:43] @ dmaxx : There's a basic structure in the wiki
[18:16:12] @ dmaxx : I think that can be arranged by who-ever takes on that task (which prob will be me)
[18:16:44] @ ultra_ambient : On the top level we should have the basic terms of each field
[18:16:56] @ ultra_ambient : And have links that lead to a more detailed explanation
[18:17:00] @ dmaxx : True
[18:17:06] @ deejsasqui : I think we could also let people "compete" and provide other ideas and examples
[18:17:09] @ deejsasqui : or work together
[18:17:18] @ dmaxx : It can be worked out by the person(s) with the task
[18:17:38] @ ultra_ambient : And from there we should have links to a dumbies guide to getting things done.
[18:17:39] @ dmaxx : In the wiki
[18:17:47] @ deejsasqui : yeah - I like the overview going down to finer grain. This would be helpful for new users and experienced people alike
[18:17:58] @ deejsasqui : another thing that can be done: re-organize the wiki
[18:18:01] @ dmaxx : Beginner guide is last priority IMO
[18:19:28] @ dmaxx : 1. Data
[18:19:32] @ dmaxx : 1.1. Allowed data
[18:19:39] @ dmaxx : 1.2. Defining fields (artist/release/label)
[18:19:44] @ dmaxx : 1.3. Interaction of data
[18:19:47] @ dmaxx : 2. RSG
[18:19:55] @ dmaxx : 2.1. Defening RSG structure
[18:20:03] @ dmaxx : 2.2. Writing RSGs
[18:20:07] @ dmaxx : -
[18:20:59] @ dmaxx : Is re-organising the wiki a high priority task?
[18:21:00] @ ultra_ambient : opening debates and polls on each RSG point
[18:22:39] @ dmaxx : That's a part of 2.2 IMO
[18:23:12] Iron_Fist has joined the chat the Sat 21 Jun 2008 - 18:23
[18:23:44] @ dmaxx : wb
[18:24:00] @ ultra_ambient : How about forming methods of enforcing RSG.
[18:24:13] @ deejsasqui : wiki reorganization was just another item that could be done
[18:24:38] @ dmaxx : I'll put it above the list, because many things will involve the wiki
[18:24:40] @ deejsasqui : u_a: maybe that could be part of the "personal" level
[18:24:58] @ deejsasqui : including commenting, voting, notification, etc.
[18:25:35] @ dmaxx : After the RSGs are done, I suppose we can look at the hierarchy
[18:26:12] @ dmaxx : Work with mods, editors, normal users,... and the rights/obligations coupled with it
[18:29:10] @ deejsasqui : I think we could work to outline it all now
[18:29:43] @ deejsasqui : so if someone is more interested in the hierarchy than rsg, they can start talking about that
[18:32:11] @ dmaxx : Fine for me
[18:32:33] Iron_Fist : fine for me tooo
[18:33:13] Iron_Fist : I'll have to be leaving guys. I have to mow the lawn before it starts raining, yet again.
[18:33:28] @ ultra_ambient : afro
[18:33:35] @ dmaxx : Ok, bye
[18:33:40] Iron_Fist : See ya.
[18:33:43] @ ultra_ambient : Lucky you got rain
[18:33:57] @ dmaxx : deejsasqui, what should I do with the task list ?
[18:34:08] @ dmaxx : Remove the numbers?
[18:34:11] Iron_Fist : Didn't you forget "un" before "lucky"?
[18:34:35] @ deejsasqui : I think it's fine to have the numbers
[18:34:54] @ deejsasqui : post it as is, and open it up to others to add or re-arrange as they see fit
[18:35:01] @ dmaxx : Will do
[18:35:08] Iron_Fist : have a nice day everybody, and good night to you u_a
[18:35:20] @ deejsasqui : I think there are people who are hiding out and reading the forum, but they thing we know more about this than they do .. we're just the talkative ones =)
[18:35:22] @ deejsasqui : imo
[18:35:36] @ deejsasqui : see ya IF
[18:36:03] @ ultra_ambient : Good night Iron Fist. No I meant lucky. We're not getting near enough rain here.
[18:38:14] @ dmaxx : I'll have a basic list up soon
[18:39:28] @ deejsasqui : thanks, dmaxx!
[18:39:43] @ deejsasqui : I've been copying the discussion, so I'll post a transcript when we're done
[18:39:58] @ deejsasqui : I think we're winding down. should we meet tomorrow for anything?
[18:40:38] @ dmaxx : I have copied everything as well
[18:40:41] @ dmaxx : Very Happy
[18:40:48] @ deejsasqui : ok =)
[18:40:54] @ dmaxx : Be sure to take a look at the list and correct where-ever needed
[18:41:04] @ dmaxx : Tomorrow is fine
[18:41:15] @ ultra_ambient : same Laughing
[18:41:45] @ deejsasqui : we should really look into whatever muscbrainz uses to archive their IRC discussions
[18:41:52] @ deejsasqui : I think it's done automatically
[18:42:05] @ dmaxx : Yes, maybe attend one if possible
[18:47:50] @ ultra_ambient : I'll be online tomorrow but won't be able to be on late as I am working on Monday
[18:50:09] @ dmaxx : No prob
[18:50:30] Iron_Fist has been disconnected the Sat 21 Jun 2008 - 18:50 (session timeout)
[18:50:48] @ deejsasqui : I'm on the mb chat right now ..
[18:51:01] @ deejsasqui : I'm not quite sure how to start asking questions =)
[18:51:34] @ deejsasqui : Anyhow, I'll be on tomorrow, if I can't sleep in like I couldn't today
[18:51:56] @ deejsasqui : by the way: musicbrainz irc @
irc://irc.freenode.net/musicbrainz[18:52:22] @ ultra_ambient : Is there anything else you would like to get out of the way right now?
[18:53:16] deejsasqui shrugs
[18:54:39] @ deejsasqui : I'm good with what we have
[18:54:49] @ deejsasqui : I'll be geeking out on a few forums today it seems
[18:55:18] @ ultra_ambient : That's good 'cause I'm starting to get tired
[18:55:41] @ dmaxx : I have posted a basic task list
[18:55:45] @ deejsasqui : ok =)
[18:55:50] @ deejsasqui : thanks dmaxx
[18:55:54] @ dmaxx : All feedback on it welcome, also feel free to edit
[18:55:59] @ deejsasqui : who wants to post the chat?
[18:56:10] @ deejsasqui : I'll mirror it on the wiki
[18:56:19] @ deejsasqui : it = basic task list
[18:56:23] @ dmaxx : I'll post it no problem
[18:56:56] @ dmaxx : I suppose this was chatsession 7
[18:57:09] @ ultra_ambient : I tyhink that
[18:57:15] @ ultra_ambient : I think that's what we're up to