Times are CET+1[13:53:00] @ corne_mo : 1
[14:05:06] ultra_ambient : Hello
[14:06:39] @ corne_mo : hoi U_A
[14:07:03] ultra_ambient : What's happening?
[14:07:07] @ corne_mo : I guess you won't be here at 16:00 CET?
[14:08:41] @ corne_mo : Not enough happening atm. 3 people trying to get things moving again atm
[14:14:23] ultra_ambient : yeah, I'll still be here
[14:14:36] ultra_ambient : You are very early. What time is it there?
[14:17:44] @ corne_mo : 14:00 in the netherlands
[14:18:09] @ corne_mo : Was just messing around a bit on the wiki, trying to make some tasks/questions lists
[14:18:18] @ corne_mo : also trying to get some artist page thing going
[14:18:33] ultra_ambient : ok, I think it is early morning in the US. 22:00 where I am.
[14:18:54] ultra_ambient : I havn't been on the wiki for ages. I should take a look sometime
[14:20:20] @ corne_mo : it's mostly still the same old wiki.
[14:20:30] @ corne_mo : I just wanted to get some questions/tasks listed somewhere for now
[14:20:51] @ corne_mo : hoping that when people get an idea of what should be done they will say: He I can help with that
[14:22:01] ultra_ambient : At the moment I've been looking after the website although I havn't had any time to do anything yet
[14:22:25] ultra_ambient : I had a course last week and will have another one in a couple of weeks
[14:22:45] ultra_ambient : After that I'm hoping my schedule will return to normal and I will make some time for the site
[14:24:32] @ corne_mo : Would be nice if we could get something up. Even if it's just a minor thing for a couple of users and with a minimum amount of releases that will be deleted afterwards
[14:24:58] @ corne_mo : that way we'll have something going and most of the time you'll see what works best when you're working with it
[14:25:21] @ corne_mo : btw: where are you living?
[14:26:51] ultra_ambient : I was hoping there
[14:27:06] ultra_ambient : Australia
[14:27:24] ultra_ambient : I was hoping they'll be a couple of weeks of organisation so it wouldn't get too busy for me for a couple of weeks
[14:29:52] @ corne_mo : well, we'll have to see how things go. For the moment it's most important to keep people interested and willing to do some work
[14:30:08] ultra_ambient : yeah, true
[14:30:59] ultra_ambient : I'll find some time
[14:34:11] @ corne_mo : I'm back to the artist page layout for now
[14:34:18] @ corne_mo : see you at 16:00 CET?
[14:36:57] @ dmaxx : Hi everyone
[14:37:11] @ corne_mo : hi maxime
[14:37:27] ultra_ambient : Hey Dmaxx
[14:37:29] @ dmaxx : How are you?
[14:37:31] ultra_ambient : You're here early too
[14:37:37] @ dmaxx : Seems like I'm a bit early
[14:37:39] @ dmaxx : Yes
[14:37:57] @ dmaxx : I think I'll keep an eye over the channel untill it all starts
[14:38:39] @ dmaxx : Have you seen Masakari's layout? I thought it was superb
[14:38:50] @ corne_mo : dmaxx, in the main time, can you check the mini tasks list I made in the wiki?
[14:38:52] ultra_ambient : Yeah, he has been hard at work
[14:39:00] @ dmaxx : I'll do that now
[14:39:10] @ corne_mo : haven't checked masakari's work yet. Try to do that before 16:00
[14:39:11] ultra_ambient : It's nice to have someone who is keen and comitted like him
[14:39:53] @ dmaxx : Task list looks extensive at first sight
[14:40:11] @ dmaxx : ultra_ambient: absolutely
[14:42:30] @ dmaxx : I've read the tasklist, it's good
[14:49:21] ultra_ambient : 1
[14:51:39] @ corne_mo : just did a quick check on masakaris layout
[14:52:02] @ corne_mo : looks like some overkill of info on the first image, especially the label and cat# info
[14:52:17] @ corne_mo : and what to do with colour settings? We must find something for that first
[14:52:27] @ corne_mo : I personally like the forum colours
[14:57:00] ultra_ambient : I will do my own release page soon
[14:57:13] ultra_ambient : I will hope to make it a bit more readable
[14:59:30] @ dmaxx : corne_mo: about the color settings: we could make the users decide? it's easy to implement when using CSS
[15:00:26] ultra_ambient : I've read the task list now.
[15:00:38] ultra_ambient : It is not bad
[15:00:56] ultra_ambient : There's quite a lot there to be done
[15:01:43] @ corne_mo : But not when you have colours in the header
[15:02:07] @ corne_mo : with the current banner (which I like) you automatically introduce a colour scheme
[15:02:32] @ corne_mo : @U_A: that's just what came up when writing the task list. I can most probably expand it quite a bit
[15:05:43] ultra_ambient : As with the colours, I thought we would use them to help define the type of page being shown
[15:06:19] @ corne_mo : sorry U_A, missed that completely. Can you give a short explanation?
[15:06:41] @ dmaxx : Good idea
[15:06:54] @ dmaxx : For example: label = green, artist = yellow, etc?
[15:07:03] @ dmaxx : Or within the release?
[15:07:09] ultra_ambient : Well, we will have artist pages, the ANV pages. We should make them easily distinguishable
[15:07:29] ultra_ambient : and with label pages we will have labels, companies, and distributers
[15:09:07] @ corne_mo : don't know if colour is the way to go to distinguish the pages though
[15:09:34] ultra_ambient : How could it be done?
[15:12:23] @ corne_mo : do you really want to make a large distinction between these pages is the first question I think
[15:12:41] @ corne_mo : I never had any problems on ogs with it
[15:13:05] ultra_ambient : I think people need to understand the difference and the appearance can help with that
[15:13:14] ultra_ambient : Othwise it could become very confusing
[15:15:33] @ corne_mo : I'm just trying to think of some pros and cons
[15:15:39] @ corne_mo : pro: clear distinction
[15:15:52] @ dmaxx : Maybe we can let users decide what colors to use on what pages?
[15:15:54] @ corne_mo : con: all images headers etc available in different colours
[15:16:28] @ corne_mo : con: can look like if it are different territorial pages of the same website
[15:19:02] ultra_ambient : The colour change can be subtle
[15:21:40] @ corne_mo : I also recommend to keep the backgroud colour a light grey colour
[15:22:16] @ corne_mo : a white blackground is much more tiring for the eyes
[15:23:59] ultra_ambient : like this chat room?
[15:24:08] ultra_ambient : Do you like the colour used on the web site?
[15:25:29] @ corne_mo : Yep, I do. Use the almost the same grey for my own site:
/removed/[15:26:22] @ corne_mo : I've also done CAD-drawing for a couple of yours and these guys always work with a black background and vivid colours
[15:26:29] @ corne_mo : works much more relaxing
[15:27:19] ultra_ambient : yeah, I agree, it is nicer to read
[15:32:58] @ dmaxx : Maybe we can use the forum colors, they are OK imo
[15:36:12] ultra_ambient : Yeah, the forum is good
[15:41:21] @ dmaxx : Hi Schnekl
[15:41:24] @ corne_mo : btw: check this for one moment:
[15:41:25] @ corne_mo :
http://home.planet.nl/~pmoerbeek/DdB/Artists/[15:41:49] @ corne_mo : hi schneckl, see you arrived too. welcome.
[15:42:06] ultra_ambient : Welcome Schneckl
[15:42:48] @ dmaxx : corne_mo: I like the "sort by" option
[15:42:55] @ dmaxx : Well, the display of it
[15:43:23] @ corne_mo : I like the function itself to be honest
[15:43:28] @ dmaxx : co-operation nice
[15:43:37] @ corne_mo : also note that I've split the co-operation into 2 seperate artists
[15:44:07] @ corne_mo : just used some info from discogs and their layout basically
[15:44:22] @ dmaxx : yes
[15:44:39] @ corne_mo : it's all plain HTML atm but I think it can be used to play with it a bit to see what we want and need
[15:47:08] @ corne_mo : dmaxx: can you change masakaris topic Layout into Release page layout?
[15:47:47] @ dmaxx : Sure
[15:48:13] @ corne_mo : that would be great, as it's not discussing the global layout, but release page only
[15:49:05] @ dmaxx : Done
[15:49:20] Schneckl : hi people. unfortunately i have very limited time
[15:49:28] @ dmaxx : In fact it also holds a discussion of what data should be allowed
[15:50:09] @ corne_mo : yeh, you can never really keep these discussions as seperate discussions
[15:50:35] @ corne_mo : I think that a link to a topic in the general section discussing the allowed data would be worth to use
[15:50:57] @ corne_mo : we also need to use the wiki more often to filter the conclusions of different topics
[15:52:27] Schneckl : the wiki is important for developers
[15:53:32] @ dmaxx : true
[15:54:46] @ corne_mo : schneckl, can you please use another color?
[15:56:55] Schneckl : yes that wasn't the best one. Smile
[15:58:00] @ corne_mo : indeed. :-)
[15:58:39] @ corne_mo : schneckl, if I'm not mistaken you made a DB for yourself already?
[16:02:08] Schneckl : yes but that would be of no use here. I made an ms access db that plays my mp3s
[16:02:47] @ corne_mo : OK, thought you had something online too
[16:04:07] Schneckl : no not really. i have another one-table-db online for private use. I have access to a webserver at university and can try out many things there.
[16:04:41] @ corne_mo : OK. For tryout I think we should use the hosting Asylum27 gave us.
[16:04:57] @ corne_mo : @U_A: Do you know if we can still use that host?
[16:06:07] Schneckl : corne_mo: agree for tryout with ddb
[16:06:41] Schneckl : i think we need a cvs or something alike soon
[16:07:43] Schneckl : several people are making graphics and such, would be good to gather those documents somewhere, with version tracking
[16:08:22] @ corne_mo : For graphics and such we can use the Development Zone/Public section
[16:09:04] @ corne_mo : A cvs can be useful for the html/css/php/sql part when we actually have something online
[16:09:19] Schneckl : the forum is not very suitable for posting docs
[16:10:02] @ corne_mo : I think it's a good place for things like masakaris artist page and such
[16:10:07] Schneckl : a cvs can handle anything. i'm thinking about db model files
[16:10:39] @ corne_mo : I think that we must use some sort of cvs for everything that will be on the DdB (asylum27s) server
[16:10:56] @ corne_mo : html/css/php/sql
[16:13:50] Schneckl : UML or ORM graphics for db design, open document docs, spreadsheets, graphic sources. everything that's needed.
[16:14:45] Schneckl : not necessarils in a cvs, but some central place
[16:15:07] @ corne_mo : indeed, some sort of CVS system, maybe homemade. ;-)
[16:15:08] Schneckl : brb in a few minutes...
[16:20:45] @ corne_mo : @U_A and dmaxx: is Asylum27 still willing to give us some hosting for the moment?
[16:22:04] ultra_ambient : Yes, his host is still available
[16:23:59] @ corne_mo : Do you also know who currently have entry to this host?
[16:24:21] ultra_ambient : me and Dmaxx
[16:24:35] @ corne_mo : OK thanks. Just to get an overview
[16:31:39] @ corne_mo : OK guys, if we stay this quiet until there is a DdB we'll have to wait a long long time
[16:35:05] Schneckl : Smile i just installed a RAM upgrade in my old laptop. didn't work.. guess that doesn't help ddb though
[16:36:47] @ corne_mo : That indeed doesn't help. Or can you work fister with the new RAM too?
[16:38:48] Schneckl : ok before i go, here's what i plan to do: read up a bit on good db design to know more than just the basics. Then get familiar with UML which seems not too difficult, so that i can draw db graphs in a professional looking manne
[16:39:52] Schneckl : The ram didn't work. i need EDO(!) but got SDRAM. yes the laptop would go faster with it Wink
[16:41:05] Schneckl : ok guys. i'll leave now, have to care for my life outside of computers. Don't despair it's going to work!
[16:41:49] @ corne_mo : I can help with the PHP part if needed, so you concentrate on the DB setup for now
[16:42:50] Schneckl : ok Smile
[16:49:25] ultra_ambient : OK, I'm ready to talk now
[16:49:35] ultra_ambient : Sorry, I got a bit busy before
[16:51:37] @ corne_mo : damn, almost everyone is gone already
[16:55:06] ultra_ambient : Will people start turning up soon?
[16:55:11] ultra_ambient : For the main discussion?
[16:55:44] @ corne_mo : well, dmaxx had some timeouts and didn't return
[16:55:48] @ corne_mo : schneckl had to go already
[16:56:09] @ corne_mo : deejsasqui said he hoped he would be here around the start of things, but he's one our late already
[16:57:23] ultra_ambient : OK, is there anything left for us to talk about?
[16:58:01] @ corne_mo : well, not much is talked about.
[16:58:26] @ corne_mo : schneckl first has to update his sql/db knowledge before he can really start on a db structure
[16:58:41] ultra_ambient : Right now I need someone to write newsletters
[16:58:43] @ corne_mo : I've made a task lists in the wiki and a artist page function layout
[16:58:47] ultra_ambient : No one seems to want the task
[16:59:09] @ corne_mo : Maybe strange question, but can't you do it yourself?
[17:00:18] ultra_ambient : I could but then the web pages won't get done as I have limited time
[17:00:31] ultra_ambient : I don't want to take on too much
[17:02:37] @ corne_mo : OK, you're working on some web-page stuff atm?
[17:02:49] @ corne_mo : What exactly are you doing?
[17:03:08] ultra_ambient : Learning some web page development skills
[17:03:33] @ corne_mo : OK, haven't really anything done that is usable atm?
[17:03:42] ultra_ambient : I want to start putting up some prototypes on the web site
[17:03:53] ultra_ambient : no, time has been a problem lately