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 SC chatsession 9: 2008-06-28

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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 908
Age : 35
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SC chatsession 9: 2008-06-28 Empty
PostSubject: SC chatsession 9: 2008-06-28   SC chatsession 9: 2008-06-28 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2008 7:32 pm

Times are CET+1

[13:53:00] @ corne_mo : 1
[14:05:06] ultra_ambient : Hello
[14:06:39] @ corne_mo : hoi U_A
[14:07:03] ultra_ambient : What's happening?
[14:07:07] @ corne_mo : I guess you won't be here at 16:00 CET?
[14:08:41] @ corne_mo : Not enough happening atm. 3 people trying to get things moving again atm
[14:14:23] ultra_ambient : yeah, I'll still be here
[14:14:36] ultra_ambient : You are very early. What time is it there?
[14:17:44] @ corne_mo : 14:00 in the netherlands
[14:18:09] @ corne_mo : Was just messing around a bit on the wiki, trying to make some tasks/questions lists
[14:18:18] @ corne_mo : also trying to get some artist page thing going
[14:18:33] ultra_ambient : ok, I think it is early morning in the US. 22:00 where I am.
[14:18:54] ultra_ambient : I havn't been on the wiki for ages. I should take a look sometime
[14:20:20] @ corne_mo : it's mostly still the same old wiki.
[14:20:30] @ corne_mo : I just wanted to get some questions/tasks listed somewhere for now
[14:20:51] @ corne_mo : hoping that when people get an idea of what should be done they will say: He I can help with that
[14:22:01] ultra_ambient : At the moment I've been looking after the website although I havn't had any time to do anything yet
[14:22:25] ultra_ambient : I had a course last week and will have another one in a couple of weeks
[14:22:45] ultra_ambient : After that I'm hoping my schedule will return to normal and I will make some time for the site
[14:24:32] @ corne_mo : Would be nice if we could get something up. Even if it's just a minor thing for a couple of users and with a minimum amount of releases that will be deleted afterwards
[14:24:58] @ corne_mo : that way we'll have something going and most of the time you'll see what works best when you're working with it
[14:25:21] @ corne_mo : btw: where are you living?
[14:26:51] ultra_ambient : I was hoping there
[14:27:06] ultra_ambient : Australia
[14:27:24] ultra_ambient : I was hoping they'll be a couple of weeks of organisation so it wouldn't get too busy for me for a couple of weeks
[14:29:52] @ corne_mo : well, we'll have to see how things go. For the moment it's most important to keep people interested and willing to do some work
[14:30:08] ultra_ambient : yeah, true
[14:30:59] ultra_ambient : I'll find some time
[14:34:11] @ corne_mo : I'm back to the artist page layout for now
[14:34:18] @ corne_mo : see you at 16:00 CET?
[14:36:57] @ dmaxx : Hi everyone
[14:37:11] @ corne_mo : hi maxime
[14:37:27] ultra_ambient : Hey Dmaxx
[14:37:29] @ dmaxx : How are you?
[14:37:31] ultra_ambient : You're here early too
[14:37:37] @ dmaxx : Seems like I'm a bit early
[14:37:39] @ dmaxx : Yes
[14:37:57] @ dmaxx : I think I'll keep an eye over the channel untill it all starts
[14:38:39] @ dmaxx : Have you seen Masakari's layout? I thought it was superb
[14:38:50] @ corne_mo : dmaxx, in the main time, can you check the mini tasks list I made in the wiki?
[14:38:52] ultra_ambient : Yeah, he has been hard at work
[14:39:00] @ dmaxx : I'll do that now
[14:39:10] @ corne_mo : haven't checked masakari's work yet. Try to do that before 16:00
[14:39:11] ultra_ambient : It's nice to have someone who is keen and comitted like him
[14:39:53] @ dmaxx : Task list looks extensive at first sight
[14:40:11] @ dmaxx : ultra_ambient: absolutely
[14:42:30] @ dmaxx : I've read the tasklist, it's good
[14:49:21] ultra_ambient : 1
[14:51:39] @ corne_mo : just did a quick check on masakaris layout
[14:52:02] @ corne_mo : looks like some overkill of info on the first image, especially the label and cat# info
[14:52:17] @ corne_mo : and what to do with colour settings? We must find something for that first
[14:52:27] @ corne_mo : I personally like the forum colours
[14:57:00] ultra_ambient : I will do my own release page soon
[14:57:13] ultra_ambient : I will hope to make it a bit more readable
[14:59:30] @ dmaxx : corne_mo: about the color settings: we could make the users decide? it's easy to implement when using CSS
[15:00:26] ultra_ambient : I've read the task list now.
[15:00:38] ultra_ambient : It is not bad
[15:00:56] ultra_ambient : There's quite a lot there to be done
[15:01:43] @ corne_mo : But not when you have colours in the header
[15:02:07] @ corne_mo : with the current banner (which I like) you automatically introduce a colour scheme
[15:02:32] @ corne_mo : @U_A: that's just what came up when writing the task list. I can most probably expand it quite a bit
[15:05:43] ultra_ambient : As with the colours, I thought we would use them to help define the type of page being shown
[15:06:19] @ corne_mo : sorry U_A, missed that completely. Can you give a short explanation?
[15:06:41] @ dmaxx : Good idea
[15:06:54] @ dmaxx : For example: label = green, artist = yellow, etc?
[15:07:03] @ dmaxx : Or within the release?
[15:07:09] ultra_ambient : Well, we will have artist pages, the ANV pages. We should make them easily distinguishable
[15:07:29] ultra_ambient : and with label pages we will have labels, companies, and distributers
[15:09:07] @ corne_mo : don't know if colour is the way to go to distinguish the pages though
[15:09:34] ultra_ambient : How could it be done?
[15:12:23] @ corne_mo : do you really want to make a large distinction between these pages is the first question I think
[15:12:41] @ corne_mo : I never had any problems on ogs with it
[15:13:05] ultra_ambient : I think people need to understand the difference and the appearance can help with that
[15:13:14] ultra_ambient : Othwise it could become very confusing
[15:15:33] @ corne_mo : I'm just trying to think of some pros and cons
[15:15:39] @ corne_mo : pro: clear distinction
[15:15:52] @ dmaxx : Maybe we can let users decide what colors to use on what pages?
[15:15:54] @ corne_mo : con: all images headers etc available in different colours
[15:16:28] @ corne_mo : con: can look like if it are different territorial pages of the same website
[15:19:02] ultra_ambient : The colour change can be subtle
[15:21:40] @ corne_mo : I also recommend to keep the backgroud colour a light grey colour
[15:22:16] @ corne_mo : a white blackground is much more tiring for the eyes
[15:23:59] ultra_ambient : like this chat room?
[15:24:08] ultra_ambient : Do you like the colour used on the web site?
[15:25:29] @ corne_mo : Yep, I do. Use the almost the same grey for my own site: /removed/
[15:26:22] @ corne_mo : I've also done CAD-drawing for a couple of yours and these guys always work with a black background and vivid colours
[15:26:29] @ corne_mo : works much more relaxing
[15:27:19] ultra_ambient : yeah, I agree, it is nicer to read
[15:32:58] @ dmaxx : Maybe we can use the forum colors, they are OK imo
[15:36:12] ultra_ambient : Yeah, the forum is good
[15:41:21] @ dmaxx : Hi Schnekl
[15:41:24] @ corne_mo : btw: check this for one moment:
[15:41:25] @ corne_mo : http://home.planet.nl/~pmoerbeek/DdB/Artists/
[15:41:49] @ corne_mo : hi schneckl, see you arrived too. welcome.
[15:42:06] ultra_ambient : Welcome Schneckl
[15:42:48] @ dmaxx : corne_mo: I like the "sort by" option
[15:42:55] @ dmaxx : Well, the display of it
[15:43:23] @ corne_mo : I like the function itself to be honest
[15:43:28] @ dmaxx : co-operation nice
[15:43:37] @ corne_mo : also note that I've split the co-operation into 2 seperate artists
[15:44:07] @ corne_mo : just used some info from discogs and their layout basically
[15:44:22] @ dmaxx : yes
[15:44:39] @ corne_mo : it's all plain HTML atm but I think it can be used to play with it a bit to see what we want and need
[15:47:08] @ corne_mo : dmaxx: can you change masakaris topic Layout into Release page layout?
[15:47:47] @ dmaxx : Sure
[15:48:13] @ corne_mo : that would be great, as it's not discussing the global layout, but release page only
[15:49:05] @ dmaxx : Done
[15:49:20] Schneckl : hi people. unfortunately i have very limited time
[15:49:28] @ dmaxx : In fact it also holds a discussion of what data should be allowed
[15:50:09] @ corne_mo : yeh, you can never really keep these discussions as seperate discussions
[15:50:35] @ corne_mo : I think that a link to a topic in the general section discussing the allowed data would be worth to use
[15:50:57] @ corne_mo : we also need to use the wiki more often to filter the conclusions of different topics
[15:52:27] Schneckl : the wiki is important for developers
[15:53:32] @ dmaxx : true
[15:54:46] @ corne_mo : schneckl, can you please use another color?
[15:56:55] Schneckl : yes that wasn't the best one. Smile
[15:58:00] @ corne_mo : indeed. :-)
[15:58:39] @ corne_mo : schneckl, if I'm not mistaken you made a DB for yourself already?
[16:02:08] Schneckl : yes but that would be of no use here. I made an ms access db that plays my mp3s
[16:02:47] @ corne_mo : OK, thought you had something online too
[16:04:07] Schneckl : no not really. i have another one-table-db online for private use. I have access to a webserver at university and can try out many things there.
[16:04:41] @ corne_mo : OK. For tryout I think we should use the hosting Asylum27 gave us.
[16:04:57] @ corne_mo : @U_A: Do you know if we can still use that host?
[16:06:07] Schneckl : corne_mo: agree for tryout with ddb
[16:06:41] Schneckl : i think we need a cvs or something alike soon
[16:07:43] Schneckl : several people are making graphics and such, would be good to gather those documents somewhere, with version tracking
[16:08:22] @ corne_mo : For graphics and such we can use the Development Zone/Public section
[16:09:04] @ corne_mo : A cvs can be useful for the html/css/php/sql part when we actually have something online
[16:09:19] Schneckl : the forum is not very suitable for posting docs
[16:10:02] @ corne_mo : I think it's a good place for things like masakaris artist page and such
[16:10:07] Schneckl : a cvs can handle anything. i'm thinking about db model files
[16:10:39] @ corne_mo : I think that we must use some sort of cvs for everything that will be on the DdB (asylum27s) server
[16:10:56] @ corne_mo : html/css/php/sql
[16:13:50] Schneckl : UML or ORM graphics for db design, open document docs, spreadsheets, graphic sources. everything that's needed.
[16:14:45] Schneckl : not necessarils in a cvs, but some central place
[16:15:07] @ corne_mo : indeed, some sort of CVS system, maybe homemade. ;-)
[16:15:08] Schneckl : brb in a few minutes...
[16:20:45] @ corne_mo : @U_A and dmaxx: is Asylum27 still willing to give us some hosting for the moment?
[16:22:04] ultra_ambient : Yes, his host is still available
[16:23:59] @ corne_mo : Do you also know who currently have entry to this host?
[16:24:21] ultra_ambient : me and Dmaxx
[16:24:35] @ corne_mo : OK thanks. Just to get an overview
[16:31:39] @ corne_mo : OK guys, if we stay this quiet until there is a DdB we'll have to wait a long long time
[16:35:05] Schneckl : Smile i just installed a RAM upgrade in my old laptop. didn't work.. guess that doesn't help ddb though
[16:36:47] @ corne_mo : That indeed doesn't help. Or can you work fister with the new RAM too?
[16:38:48] Schneckl : ok before i go, here's what i plan to do: read up a bit on good db design to know more than just the basics. Then get familiar with UML which seems not too difficult, so that i can draw db graphs in a professional looking manne
[16:39:52] Schneckl : The ram didn't work. i need EDO(!) but got SDRAM. yes the laptop would go faster with it Wink
[16:41:05] Schneckl : ok guys. i'll leave now, have to care for my life outside of computers. Don't despair it's going to work!
[16:41:49] @ corne_mo : I can help with the PHP part if needed, so you concentrate on the DB setup for now
[16:42:50] Schneckl : ok Smile
[16:49:25] ultra_ambient : OK, I'm ready to talk now
[16:49:35] ultra_ambient : Sorry, I got a bit busy before
[16:51:37] @ corne_mo : damn, almost everyone is gone already
[16:55:06] ultra_ambient : Will people start turning up soon?
[16:55:11] ultra_ambient : For the main discussion?
[16:55:44] @ corne_mo : well, dmaxx had some timeouts and didn't return
[16:55:48] @ corne_mo : schneckl had to go already
[16:56:09] @ corne_mo : deejsasqui said he hoped he would be here around the start of things, but he's one our late already
[16:57:23] ultra_ambient : OK, is there anything left for us to talk about?
[16:58:01] @ corne_mo : well, not much is talked about.
[16:58:26] @ corne_mo : schneckl first has to update his sql/db knowledge before he can really start on a db structure
[16:58:41] ultra_ambient : Right now I need someone to write newsletters
[16:58:43] @ corne_mo : I've made a task lists in the wiki and a artist page function layout
[16:58:47] ultra_ambient : No one seems to want the task
[16:59:09] @ corne_mo : Maybe strange question, but can't you do it yourself?
[17:00:18] ultra_ambient : I could but then the web pages won't get done as I have limited time
[17:00:31] ultra_ambient : I don't want to take on too much
[17:02:37] @ corne_mo : OK, you're working on some web-page stuff atm?
[17:02:49] @ corne_mo : What exactly are you doing?
[17:03:08] ultra_ambient : Learning some web page development skills
[17:03:33] @ corne_mo : OK, haven't really anything done that is usable atm?
[17:03:42] ultra_ambient : I want to start putting up some prototypes on the web site
[17:03:53] ultra_ambient : no, time has been a problem lately

Last edited by dmaxx on Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Removed offtopic URL on request.)
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Admin, Manager

Number of posts : 908
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-01-07

SC chatsession 9: 2008-06-28 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SC chatsession 9: 2008-06-28   SC chatsession 9: 2008-06-28 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2008 7:32 pm

[17:04:05] @ corne_mo : OK, but then I know what you're up to
[17:04:17] ultra_ambient : But, as I mentioned earlier, I hope that situation will improve soon
[17:04:20] @ corne_mo : I'm messing around with some html stuff too
[17:04:29] @ corne_mo : problem is my experience is from 199x
[17:04:40] @ corne_mo : a lot is changed since then
[17:04:51] ultra_ambient : yeah, a lot of things have changed since then
[17:05:08] ultra_ambient : you beat me to it tongue
[17:05:34] @ corne_mo : What exactly do you need for the newsletter? Just the main page of discography.info with different text in it?
[17:07:13] ultra_ambient : I just need some text explaining what is going on at the moment and then I'll get dmaxx to send it to all the users so try and get them visiting the forums again.
[17:08:42] @ corne_mo : OK, I'll make up a june newsletter today or tomorrow and PM it to you and dmaxx
[17:09:17] ultra_ambient : It's not just now I need a newsletter but I need somone to write one every month to update people
[17:09:19] @ corne_mo : For the newletter archive it would be best if the newsletter had a complete date on it somewhere.
[17:09:34] ultra_ambient : That would be great. Thanks a lot
[17:09:38] @ corne_mo : How do you want the links to topic and wiki in the newsletter? With the url tags or something?
[17:10:16] ultra_ambient : yeah, you can use those. I'll fix anything before I update the website
[17:10:49] ultra_ambient : I would've liked more people to vote on the current polls so that would be a valid topic
[17:11:39] @ corne_mo : me too. We still have 1 week for that. I'll put it in the newsletter too
[17:12:17] ultra_ambient : great Very Happy
[17:20:09] @ corne_mo : I'm currently adding a new topic in the dev zone news section about the tasks. Will get some links to that in the newsletter too
[17:23:47] ultra_ambient : cool, good work
[17:27:26] @ dmaxx : I'm back, I suddenly had to go sorry for that
[17:27:31] @ dmaxx : I'll catch up first
[17:27:42] @ corne_mo : hi dmaxx, welcome back
[17:27:52] @ corne_mo : You won't have much catching up to do I'm afraid
[17:28:49] ultra_ambient : Still aiting for others to turn up
[17:29:44] @ dmaxx : "[16:58:41] ultra_ambient : Right now I need someone to write newsletters" > I'll do this (as promised). I'll see if I can get it done today or tomorrow
[17:29:54] @ dmaxx : Sorry I haven't done it the last few days
[17:31:12] @ corne_mo : OK, dmaxx, if you can please. I already set I would, but if you can please do so. It is less copying when I have to sent it to U_A and you guys have to distribute it.
[17:32:54] @ dmaxx : Ok
[17:34:54] @ corne_mo : check the task list topic I created in devzone news
[17:36:03] @ dmaxx : Hi quisquilla
[17:36:14] quisquilia : hi all
[17:36:22] @ corne_mo : ji quisquilla
[17:36:25] @ corne_mo : ji --> hi
[17:36:40] @ dmaxx : corne_mo: task list topic looks great
[17:36:51] @ dmaxx : I'll lock the previous attempt (in 'Other')
[17:37:48] @ corne_mo : I'll try to define something more precise in the wiki.
[17:38:01] quisquilia : Yep, agree.
[17:38:02] @ corne_mo : but what do I hate wiki-systems
[17:38:50] @ dmaxx : Maybe we should make a (stickied) post in the Public Devzone for letting people apply to tasks?
[17:39:57] @ corne_mo : good idea. We also need a sticky there to tell that that forum should only be used to publish tryouts, not to discuss ideas
[17:40:06] @ corne_mo : I think we can combine it into one
[17:40:19] @ dmaxx : I'll create the apply topic
[17:40:22] @ dmaxx : Oh
[17:40:29] @ dmaxx : Let me think...
[17:40:37] quisquilia : I'm willing to write up some rules / examples on how to transcribe non-credit info from releases (barcodes, BIEM, cat.nos, stuff like that). Would prolly though depend on whether we agree pn a general as-on-release practice or not.
[17:41:17] quisquilia : @dmaxx, sounds reasonable
[17:41:21] @ dmaxx : as-on-release display, standard data
[17:41:32] @ dmaxx : Hello Masakari
[17:41:41] @ corne_mo : indeed as-on-release has been decided more or less in the different topics
[17:41:41] quisquilia : hi, Mr.M
[17:41:45] Masakari : Hi folks!
[17:41:49] @ corne_mo : hi Masakari
[17:42:06] ultra_ambient : We have a good presence now
[17:42:19] ultra_ambient : Only Deej is still missing
[17:42:30] @ corne_mo : we will actually try to catch all info from the release
[17:42:53] Masakari : I've been all pro As-On-Release - until I had to work out my second layout...
[17:42:58] @ dmaxx : corne_mo: I'll start with an apply topic, and then I'll see if I can other things
[17:43:12] @ dmaxx : can -> can add*
[17:43:19] @ corne_mo : OK dmaxx
[17:43:24] quisquilia : Ok. As on release transcription & display for standard non-credit info, will tackle that task.
[17:44:13] @ corne_mo : @quisquilla: I'll add it in the task list as: lsting all possible info to be found on a release and explaining the links between them
[17:44:16] @ corne_mo : is that OK?
[17:44:21] quisquilia : Will probably look for some releases (on that other site or in my collection) as examples.
[17:44:47] @ dmaxx : quisquilla: yes I'll do that
[17:44:53] @ dmaxx : I have a selection of 5 releases ready
[17:45:00] @ dmaxx : All with it's own peculiarities
[17:45:04] @ corne_mo : That will be a real task. Based on that task the community has to decide what should be displayed and what not
[17:45:09] @ dmaxx : Smile
[17:45:34] quisquilia : So you dmaxx want to do that instead of me?
[17:45:55] Masakari : ^^ why not both of you Smile
[17:46:18] @ corne_mo : Agree with Masakari. I think you both have to do it and than combine both of your info into one list
[17:46:19] quisquilia : @corne: Yes, ok with me that you ad it the task list.
[17:46:32] quisquilia : ad -> add
[17:46:53] @ corne_mo : @quis: also read the description I've just typed. I think that's important
[17:48:07] quisquilia : Read it. What do you mean with "links betwen them"? Something like difference between company & brand?
[17:48:28] quisquilia : difference = difference & relation
[17:48:32] @ dmaxx : quisquilla: both is best, the more strange releases the better :d
[17:49:10] quisquilia : ok
[17:50:06] @ corne_mo : Masakari, you have made a nice release page imo
[17:50:17] @ corne_mo : is it already html compatible?
[17:50:45] @ dmaxx : https://discogs.actieforum.com/public-f21/task-apply-form-t298.htm
[17:50:52] @ dmaxx : Feedback welcome
[17:51:58] @ corne_mo : The deadline thing is scaring imo
[17:52:15] @ corne_mo : and add a standard line for a short explanation of what exactly someone is gonna do
[17:52:37] @ corne_mo : and can you make the news/task list sticky too?
[17:52:45] Masakari : @ corne: I'm very sorry, but this is just a picture. Alas, in its current form, it has nothing to do with html :-/
[17:52:57] @ dmaxx : corne_mo: sticky coming up
[17:53:12] @ dmaxx : How should I re-word "deadline"
[17:53:15] @ corne_mo : Do you have the skill to turn it into html or has that to be done by some else?
[17:53:47] @ corne_mo : maybe Predicted timeline ?
[17:54:01] @ dmaxx : Very good.
[17:54:09] quisquilia : @dmaxx - looks ok
[17:54:19] Masakari : I have no coding skills. If I had, the site would have been up and running somewhen in the last year...
[17:54:54] @ corne_mo : @Mas: LOL. With what program did you make it the image?
[17:55:02] @ dmaxx : "nd add a standard line for a short explanation of what exactly someone is gonna do" -> "description:"
[17:55:31] @ corne_mo : @dmaxx: OK for me
[17:56:03] Masakari : @ corne: with Origin, in fact this is a data analysis software
[17:56:05] @ dmaxx : corne_mo: maybe add link in news topic?
[17:56:10] @ dmaxx : link to apply topic
[17:56:33] @ corne_mo : indeed. I'll do that.
[17:57:47] @ dmaxx : I will make a new "About" topic when I have some time left, an updated one
[17:57:59] @ dmaxx : Because the current one is a bit outdated in vision and stuff
[18:00:50] @ corne_mo : link to the apply topic is made
[18:01:02] @ dmaxx : Cheers
[18:01:17] @ corne_mo : @masakari: In what filetypes can you export these sheets?
[18:02:01] quisquilia : thanks @ corne, looks good to me
[18:02:59] quisquilia : dmaxx, we both could perhaps compare our ideas by next week (weekend)
[18:03:24] quisquilia : and then present them / link to them here at the next chat session
[18:03:32] @ dmaxx : Ok
[18:03:45] @ dmaxx : We can open a topic somewhere
[18:03:58] quisquilia : Great. Very Happy
[18:04:36] Masakari : @ corne: all picture formats + pdf (Acrobat Reader 5.x doesn't read the files, 8.x does)
[18:04:42] quisquilia : Just send me a PM with the link.
[18:06:27] @ corne_mo : @dmaxx + quis: Please first use the general section of the forums to discuss things. Publish the results in the dev zone afterwards. That would be the way to go I think
[18:06:40] @ dmaxx : I agree
[18:06:50] @ dmaxx : That's what the General section is for
[18:06:56] @ corne_mo : @mas: Well, than I'll work from the jpg's on the forum.
[18:07:47] @ corne_mo : A question though: You have reserved the left side of the screen for master release. This is taking up approx 25% of the width. What happens with this space when there is no master release (which will happen for a lot of releases I think)
[18:09:14] @ dmaxx : Hmmm... maybe it should be flatened or something
[18:09:38] Masakari : I this case you'll just see the cover. I'd avoid shifting around tables or content...
[18:09:39] @ corne_mo : which gives a strange effect imo. If such a wide part of the screen is missing sometimes
[18:10:10] @ corne_mo : OK, so using it for image only.
[18:10:45] @ corne_mo : I'll see what I can do in making a plain html thing of it like I did with the artist page. Then we can really see how it works
[18:10:48] Masakari : Hmm.. I don't think we should cover each square-inch of free-space with text :-)
[18:11:12] @ corne_mo : Well, if it's free, why wouldn't we do so ;-)
[18:11:22] quisquilia : @corne-mo: Ok, sounds reasonable. I'll start with the task on Monday... Right after the Euro 2008 parties.
[18:11:28] @ corne_mo : I've paid for a complete monitor, not for just a half one ;-)
[18:12:10] @ corne_mo : @quis: OK for me. keep in contact with dmaxx about it
[18:12:45] @ corne_mo : @dmaxx: do you have some time to think about a first DB setup?
[18:13:15] Masakari : BTW: I think I misunderstood the purpose of the Dev_Zone. The Layout I uploaded, does it belong to the General - section?
[18:13:25] @ dmaxx : What is it in detail?
[18:13:46] @ dmaxx : You mean how the labels artists etc connect?
[18:13:59] @ corne_mo : @mas: the layout itself belongs in dev zone. The discussion about what should be allowed in the DB and added where should be in the general section
[18:14:35] @ corne_mo : @dmaxx: indeed. Would be nice if we could have a first setup of the DB, so we can start playing around with artist and release pages with factual info
[18:14:59] @ corne_mo : You can contact schneckl to help. He seems very motivated.
[18:15:11] @ dmaxx : corne_mo: I'll see if I have time for it. Got lots of other stuff to do already
[18:15:33] @ dmaxx : If the other tasks go quite smoothly I might take a deeper look at it
[18:15:41] @ corne_mo : @dmaxx: well, it's essential to get something the next two months I think
[18:15:57] @ corne_mo : sorry guys, but it's diner time for me.
[18:16:19] @ corne_mo : dmaxx: do you copy the chat into the forums? I'll try to catch up afterwards and update task list if needed
[18:16:30] corne_mo is away : diner time
[18:16:38] @ dmaxx : Yes, everything is copied
[18:16:47] @ dmaxx : Have a good meal
[18:16:57] Masakari : Enjoy your meal
[18:17:41] quisquilia : Ok, I have to leave, too. Gonna get back at you, dmaxx, next week. Bye all.
[18:26:44] @ dmaxx : .
[18:29:05] ultra_ambient : Dmaxx, do you have the earlier discussion?
[18:31:15] @ dmaxx : I have everything
[18:31:45] @ dmaxx : I'll post it now (and update later) so if other people join later they can catch up
[18:33:19] @ dmaxx : https://discogs.actieforum.com/main-f18/sc-chatsession-9-2008-06-28-t299.htm
[18:34:19] ultra_ambient : Is it time to call it a night then?
[18:36:33] @ dmaxx : 18.36 here Wink
[18:36:47] @ dmaxx : I'll stay a bit longer, maybe others will show up
[18:36:53] @ dmaxx : Anyway, we made some nice progress
[18:37:27] ultra_ambient : yeah, it wasn't too bad
[18:40:44] @ dmaxx : lunchtime, bbl
[18:42:47] ultra_ambient : okay, might go to bed soon
[18:45:50] @ corne_mo : Time for you to go to bed indeed U_A. It's now 3 am or something ?
[18:50:27] ultra_ambient : yeah, almost
[18:54:43] @ corne_mo : than it really is time to get some sleep. I'm happy it's just 18:50 here ;-)
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